
# #' Test file
# #'
# #' @param a test param number 1
# #' @param b test param number 2
# #' @rdname test_fn
# #' @keywords programming
# #' @examples
# #' packagedocs:::test_fn_a(4)
# #' packagedocs:::test_fn_b("world")
# #' hist(rnorm(1000))
# #' library(rbokeh)
# #' figure() %>%
# #'   ly_points(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris,
# #'   color = Species, glyph = Species,
# #'   hover = list(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))
# test_fn_a <- function(a) {
#   a
# }
# #' @rdname test_fn
# test_fn_b <- function(b) {
#   b
# }
# #' Test Keyword
# #'
# #' @param ... pass to print
# #' @export
# #' @keywords loess
# #' @examples
# #' runif(10)
# test_keyword <- function(...) {
#   print(...)
# }
# #' Test Internal
# #'
# #' @param ... pass to print
# #' @export
# #' @keywords internal
# test_hidden <- function(...) {
#   print(...)
# }
# #' Test Not Exported
# #'
# #' @param ... pass to print
# #' @keywords debugging
# #' @examples
# #' hist(runif(100))
# test_not_exported <- function(...) {
#   print(...)
# }
# # make_and_build <- function(
# #   code_path, pkg_name, view_output = FALSE,
# #   docs_path = file.path("_docs", pkg_name)
# # ) {
# #
# #   packagedocs_init(code_path = code_path, docs_path = docs_path)
# #   render_docs(code_path = code_path, docs_path = docs_path,
# #     view_output = view_output, rd_toc_collapse = TRUE)
# # }
# #
# # make_and_build2 <- function(
# #   code_path, pkg_name, view_output = FALSE,
# #   docs_path = file.path("_docs", pkg_name)
# # ) {
# #
# #   packagedocs_init(code_path = code_path, docs_path = docs_path)
# #   render_docs2(code_path = code_path, docs_path = docs_path,
# #     view_output = view_output, rd_toc_collapse = TRUE)
# #   invisible()
# # }

if (FALSE) {

  make_and_vig <- function(code_path = ".") {
    unlink(file.path(code_path, "vignettes"), recursive = TRUE)
    init_vignettes(code_path = code_path)
  load_all(); make_and_vig()


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packagedocs documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:18 a.m.