Man pages for pacs
Supplementary Tools for R Packages Developers

app_depsThe shiny app dependencies
app_sizeSize of the shiny app
available_packagesList Available Packages at CRAN-like Repositories
biocran_reposCRAN and Bioconductor repositories
bio_releasesRetrieving all Bioconductor releases
checked_packagesRetrieving all R CRAN packages check pages statuses.
compareVersionsMaxMaximum version across the vector
compareVersionsMinMinimum version across the vector
cran_flavorsRetrieving all R CRAN servers flavors
dir_sizeSize of the package
lib_validateValidate the local library
lock_validateValidate a specific renv lock file
match_flavorsGet all matched CRAN servers to the local 'OS'
pac_checkpageRetrieving the R CRAN package check page
pac_checkredChecking the R CRAN package check page status
pac_compare_namespaceCompare NAMESPACE exports between specific CRAN packages...
pac_compare_versionsCompare DESCRIPTION files dependencies between specific CRAN...
pac_depsPackage dependencies
pac_deps_devPackage dependencies - developer perspective
pac_deps_heavyPackage direct dependencies and number of dependencies for...
pac_deps_timemachineR CRAN package dependencies for a certain version or time...
pac_deps_userPackage dependencies - user perspective
pac_descriptionpackage DESCRIPTION file
pac_healthCRAN package health state at a specific Date or for a...
pac_isinChecking if a package is in repositories
pac_islastChecking if a package version is the most recent one
pac_lastGetting the most recent package version
pac_lifedurationPackage version life duration at specific Date or for a...
pac_namespacepackage NAMESPACE file
pacs_baseGet base R packages
pac_sizeSize of the package
pacs_lifedurationPackages life duration for a specific version
pac_timemachinePackage metadata for all releases
pac_true_sizeTrue size of the package
pac_validateValidate a specific local package
standard_argsStandard Template Arguments
validate_onlineAppend a data.frame with online attributes
pacs documentation built on Aug. 19, 2023, 1:08 a.m.