A Capitalized Title: Something about a Package **foo**


This template demonstrates some of the basic [markdown]{.proglang} you'll need to know to create a JSS article with pagedown [@R-pagedown].

Code formatting

You should use Pandoc's [markdown]{.proglang} but you also can use $\LaTeX$ commands:

[R]{.proglang} code

Can be inserted in regular [R Markdown]{.proglang} blocks.

x <- 1:10

Render the document

If you use the option self_contained: false (see line #22 of this Rmd file), don't click on the Knit button in RStudio. Use instead the xaringan [@R-xaringan] RStudio add-in Infinite Moon Reader.

References {-}

knitr::write_bib(c(.packages(), 'pagedown', 'xaringan'), 'index.bib')

Try the pagedown package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pagedown documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 1:16 a.m.