
#' Fetch the contents of a URL
#' Low-level bindings to write data from a URL into memory, disk or a callback
#' function. These are mainly intended for \code{httr}, most users will be better
#' off using the \code{\link{curl}} or \code{\link{curl_download}} function, or the
#' http specific wrappers in the \code{httr} package.
#' The curl_fetch functions automatically raise an error upon protocol problems
#' (network, disk, ssl) but do not implement application logic. For example for
#' you need to check the status code of http requests yourself in the response,
#' and deal with it accordingly.
#' Both \code{curl_fetch_memory} and \code{curl_fetch_disk} have a blocking and
#' non-blocking C implementation. The latter is slightly slower but allows for
#' interrupting the download prematurely (using e.g. CTRL+C or ESC). Interrupting
#' is enabled when R runs in interactive mode or when
#' \code{getOption("curl_interrupt") == TRUE}.
#' The \code{curl_fetch_multi} function is the asynchronous equivalent of
#' \code{curl_fetch_memory}. It wraps \code{multi_add} to schedule requests which
#' are executed concurrently when calling \code{multi_run}. For each successful
#' request the \code{done} callback is triggered with response data. For failed
#' requests (when \code{curl_fetch_memory} would raise an error), the \code{fail}
#' function is triggered with the error message.
#' @param url A character string naming the URL of a resource to be downloaded.
#' @param handle a curl handle object
#' @export
#' @rdname curl_fetch
#' @useDynLib curl R_curl_fetch_memory
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Load in memory
#' res <- curl_fetch_memory("")
#' res$content
#' # Save to disk
#' res <- curl_fetch_disk("", tempfile())
#' res$content
#' readLines(res$content)
#' # Stream with callback
#' drip_url <- ""
#' res <- curl_fetch_stream(drip_url, function(x){
#'   cat(rawToChar(x))
#' })
#' # Async API
#' data <- list()
#' success <- function(res){
#'   cat("Request done! Status:", res$status, "\n")
#'   data <<- c(data, list(res))
#' }
#' failure <- function(msg){
#'   cat("Oh noes! Request failed!", msg, "\n")
#' }
#' curl_fetch_multi("", success, failure)
#' curl_fetch_multi("", success, failure)
#' curl_fetch_multi("", success, failure)
#' multi_run()
#' str(data)
#' }
curl_fetch_memory <- function(url, handle = new_handle()){
  nonblocking <- isTRUE(getOption("curl_interrupt", TRUE))
  output <- .Call(R_curl_fetch_memory, enc2utf8(url), handle, nonblocking)
  res <- handle_data(handle)
  res$content <- output

#' @export
#' @param path Path to save results
#' @rdname curl_fetch
#' @useDynLib curl R_curl_fetch_disk
curl_fetch_disk <- function(url, path, handle = new_handle()){
  nonblocking <- isTRUE(getOption("curl_interrupt", TRUE))
  path <- enc2native(normalizePath(path, mustWork = FALSE))
  output <- .Call(R_curl_fetch_disk, enc2utf8(url), handle, path, "wb", nonblocking)
  res <- handle_data(handle)
  res$content <- output

#' @export
#' @param fun Callback function. Should have one argument, which will be
#'   a raw vector.
#' @rdname curl_fetch
#' @useDynLib curl R_curl_connection
curl_fetch_stream <- function(url, fun, handle = new_handle()){
  # Blocking = TRUE and partial = TRUE to prevent busy-waiting
  con <- curl_connection(url, mode = "", handle = handle, partial = TRUE)

  # 'f' means: do not error for status code
  open(con, "rbf")
    buf <- readBin(con, raw(), 32768L)

#' @export
#' @rdname curl_fetch
#' @inheritParams multi
#' @useDynLib curl R_curl_connection
curl_fetch_multi <- function(url, done = NULL, fail = NULL, pool = NULL,
                             data = NULL, handle = new_handle()){
  handle_setopt(handle, url = enc2utf8(url))
  multi_add(handle = handle, done = done, fail = fail, data = data, pool = pool)

#' @export
#' @rdname curl_fetch
curl_fetch_echo <- function(url, handle = new_handle()){
  handle_setopt(handle, url = enc2utf8(url))

Try the pak package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

pak documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:35 a.m.