Man pages for paletteer
Comprehensive Collection of Color Palettes

ggplot2-scales-binnedBinned scales to use for ggplot2
ggplot2-scales-continuousContinuous scales to use for ggplot2
ggplot2-scales-discreteDiscrete scales to use for ggplot2
paleteer-c-wrapperWrappers around continuous palette functions by package
paletteer_cGet continuous palette by package and name
paletteer_dGet discrete palette by package and name
paletteer_dynamicGet dynamic palette by package and name
paletteer-packagepaletteer: Comprehensive Collection of Color Palettes
paletteer_packagesNames and version information for all packages included
palettes_c_namesNames of all continuous palettes
palettes_dComplete list of fixed discrete palettes
palettes_d_namesNames of all fixed discrete palettes
palettes_dynamicComplete list of dynamic palettes
palettes_dynamic_namesNames of all fixed discrete palettes
paletteer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:21 a.m.