latex_table_fac: Produce (LaTeX) Summaries for Factor Variables

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) See Also Examples


The function produces LaTeX tables with summary statistics for factor variables. It makes use of the booktabs package in LaTeX to obtain tables with a nice layout.


latex.table.fac(..., caption = NULL, label = NULL,
    table = c("tabular", "longtable"), align = NULL,
    floating = FALSE, center = TRUE)



arguments for summarize. See there for details.


(optional) character string. Caption of LaTeX table. Note that captions are suported for all tables (see also details below).


(optional) character string. Label of LaTeX table specified as \label{"label"}.


character string. LaTeX table format, currently either "tabular" (default) or "longtable".


character string. LaTeX alignment of table rows, per default "lllr...r", where "r" is repeated ncol - 2 times.


logical (default: FALSE). Determines whether the table is a floating object (i.e. use a table environment or not). Note that a longtable cannot be a floating object but captions can be used.


logical (default: TRUE). Determines if table should be centered.


This function is deprecated and only available for backward comaptibility. Use summarize for more flexibility.

The output requires \usepackage{booktabs} in the LaTeX file.

Captions can be added to both, longtables and tabulars. In the latter case, captions are also suported if the table is no floating object. In this case, the LaTeX package capt-of is required.


The output is printed with LaTeX style syntax highlighting to be used e.g. in Sweave chunks with results=tex.


Benjamin Hofner

See Also

latex.table.cont and get_option


## Example requires package nlme to be installed and loaded
if (require("nlme")) {
    ## Use dataset Orthodont
    data(Orthodont, package = "nlme")

    ## Get summary for continuous variables

    ## Reorder data for table:
    latex.table.fac(Orthodont, variables = c("Sex", "Subject"))

    ## What happens in the display if we introduce some missing values:
    Orthodont$Sex[sample(nrow(Orthodont), 20)] <- NA
    latex.table.fac(Orthodont, variables = "Sex")
    ## do not show statistics on missing values
    latex.table.fac(Orthodont, variables = "Sex", show.NAs = FALSE)

Example output

Loading required package: car
Loading required package: carData
Loading required package: xtable

Attaching package: 'papeR'

The following object is masked from 'package:utils':


Loading required package: nlme
Non-factors are dropped from the summary
NOTE: Output requires \usepackage{booktabs} in your preamble.
% latex table generated in R 3.4.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
% Mon Nov  2 14:32:34 2020
   & Level &   & N & \% \\ 
    \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
 Subject & M16 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M05 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M02 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M11 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M07 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M08 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M03 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M12 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M13 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M14 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M09 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M15 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M06 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M04 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M01 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M10 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F10 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F09 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F06 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F01 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F05 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F07 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F02 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F08 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F03 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F04 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F11 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
     \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
Sex & Male &  &  64 & 59.3 \\ 
   & Female &  &  44 & 40.7 \\ 
  This function exists for backward compatibility.
  Consider using 'xtable(summarize(..., type = "factor"))' instead.
NOTE: Output requires \usepackage{booktabs} in your preamble.
% latex table generated in R 3.4.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
% Mon Nov  2 14:32:35 2020
   & Level &   & N & \% \\ 
    \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
 Sex & Male &  &  64 & 59.3 \\ 
   & Female &  &  44 & 40.7 \\ 
     \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
Subject & M16 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M05 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M02 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M11 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M07 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M08 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M03 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M12 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M13 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M14 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M09 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M15 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M06 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M04 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M01 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M10 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F10 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F09 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F06 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F01 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F05 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F07 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F02 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F08 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F03 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F04 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F11 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
  This function exists for backward compatibility.
  Consider using 'xtable(summarize(..., type = "factor"))' instead.
Non-factors are dropped from the summary
NOTE: Output requires \usepackage{booktabs} in your preamble.
% latex table generated in R 3.4.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
% Mon Nov  2 14:32:35 2020
   & Level &   & N & \% \\ 
    \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
 Subject & M16 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M05 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M02 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M11 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M07 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M08 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M03 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M12 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M13 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M14 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M09 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M15 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M06 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M04 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M01 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & M10 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F10 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F09 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F06 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F01 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F05 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F07 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F02 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F08 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F03 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F04 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
   & F11 &  &   4 & 3.7 \\ 
     \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
Sex & Male &  &  51 & 47.2 \\ 
   & Female &  &  37 & 34.3 \\ 
   & $<$Missing$>$ &  &  20 & 18.5 \\ 
  This function exists for backward compatibility.
  Consider using 'xtable(summarize(..., type = "factor"))' instead.
NOTE: Output requires \usepackage{booktabs} in your preamble.
% latex table generated in R 3.4.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
% Mon Nov  2 14:32:35 2020
   & Level &   & N & \% \\ 
    \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
 Sex & Male &  &  51 & 47.2 \\ 
   & Female &  &  37 & 34.3 \\ 
   & $<$Missing$>$ &  &  20 & 18.5 \\ 
  This function exists for backward compatibility.
  Consider using 'xtable(summarize(..., type = "factor"))' instead.
NOTE: Output requires \usepackage{booktabs} in your preamble.
% latex table generated in R 3.4.4 by xtable 1.8-4 package
% Mon Nov  2 14:32:35 2020
   & Level &   & N & \% \\ 
    \cmidrule{2-2} \cmidrule{4-5} 
 Sex & Male &  &  51 & 58.0 \\ 
   & Female &  &  37 & 42.0 \\ 
  This function exists for backward compatibility.
  Consider using 'xtable(summarize(..., type = "factor"))' instead.

papeR documentation built on March 23, 2021, 1:08 a.m.