Man pages for parttime
Partial Datetime Handling

as.interval-partial_time-methodWrapper for lubridate as.interval
as.interval-timespan-methodWrapper for lubridate as.interval
as.parttimeCoerce an object to a parttime object
as.timespanCast an object to a timespan
c.partial_timeConcatenate parttimes
definitely"Definitely" generic for resolving uncertainty
definitely.partial_time_logicalDetermine whether a partial_time logical matrix is definitely...
dim.partial_timeparttime vector dimensions
dot-ishorthand for converting dimnames to indices, for easier...
endend S3 generic
eq_parttimesEqual comparison handler for partial_time objects
extractSimilar to matrix and array '[' behavior, but allows for...
format_field_matrixFormat individual components of a parttime matrix
format.partial_timeFormat a parttime object
format.pillar_shaft_partial_timeparttime pillar formatting
has_partialTest whether a partial_time object is incomplete
has_partial_dateTest whether a partial_time object's date components are...
has_partial_timeTest whether a partial_time object's time components are...
impute_timeImpute a partial time object with a timestamp or specific...
includesDetermine whether one object includes another
includes.partial_timeDetermine whether a partial time contains an object
includes.partial_time.partial_timeTest for whether a timestamp could be included within... if elements of a partial time vector is NA if elements of a partial time vector is NA
is_parttimeShorthand for checking partial time inheritance
is_timespanShorthand for checking timespan inheritance
is.timespanShorthand for checking timespan inheritance
max.partial_timeGet the maximum of a parttime vector
min.partial_timeGet the minimum of aparttime vector
neq_parttimesNot-equal comparison handler for partial_time objects
normalize_month_dayNormalize days in month back to day limit for a given month
obj_print_data.partial_timeparttime data output
obj_print_footer.partial_timeparttime footer
obj_print_header.partial_timeparttime output header
Ops.partial_timeHandler for Ops generics for partial_time objects
Ops.timespanHandler for Ops generics for timespan objects
parse_failure_messageFormat a message communicating parse failure information
parse_iso8601_helpersInspecting and manipulating intermediate iso8601 matrices
parse_iso8601_matrixParse an iso8601 datetime to a parttime-like matrix
parse_parttimeParse cdisc datetime strings as parttime matrix
parttimeCreate a parttime object
parttime_access_and_assignDatetime component access and assignment functions
parttime_extractIndexing operators for partial_time objects
parttime_logicalThis class is purely for retaining logical information for...
pillar_shaft.partial_timeparttime as pillar shaft
plus-partial_time-Period-methodAddition of a lubridate Period to a parttime partial_time
pmaxMaxima and Minima
pmax.partial_timeGet the elementwise maximum of parttime vectors
pminMaxima and Minima
pmin.partial_timeGet the elementwise minimum of parttime vectors
possibly"Possibly" generic for resolving uncertainty
possibly.partial_time_logicalDetermine whether a partial_time logical matrix is possibly...
propagate_naPropegate field missingness from higher to lower resolution
re_cdisc_datetimeRegular expression for CDISC-style datetime parsing
reflow_fieldsReflow potentially invalid time components to adjacent fields
register_unknown_s3_genericsExport S3 generics only if as-of-yet unknown
re_iso8601slightly modified from parsedate - added 'secfrac' capture...
sample_date_string_stylesFind unique forms of inputs
sample_partial_stylesFind unique forms of missingness
startstart S3 generic
timespanCreate a partial timespan object
to_gmtGeneric for coercing timestamps to GMT timezone
trimShorten a timespan
type_sum.partial_timeparttime type name
vec_cast.logical.partial_timeCast partial time to logical
vec_cast.partial_timeCast to partial time object
vec_cast.partial_time.characterCoerce character date representations to parttime objects
vec_cast.partial_time.defaultDefault handler for casting to a partial time
vec_cast.partial_time.matrixCast a matrix to a partial time
vec_cast.timespanCast to timespan object
vec_cast.timespan.characterCast partial time to timespan, representing uncertainty as a...
vec_cast.timespan.defaultDefault handler for casting to a timespan
vec_cast.timespan.doubleCast an array to a timespan
vec_cast.timespan.numericCast an array to a timespan
vec_cast.timespan.partial_timeCast partial time to timespan, representing uncertainty as a...
vec_ptype_abbr.partial_timeAbbreviated partial time class name
vec_ptype_full.partial_timeFull parttime class name
parttime documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:25 a.m.