vec_cast.timespan.character: Cast partial time to timespan, representing uncertainty as a...

View source: R/class_timespan_coercion.R

vec_cast.timespan.characterR Documentation

Cast partial time to timespan, representing uncertainty as a range


Cast partial time to timespan, representing uncertainty as a range


## S3 method for class 'timespan.character'
vec_cast(x, to, ..., format = parse_iso8601_datetime_as_timespan)



Vectors to cast.


Type to cast to. If NULL, x will be returned as is.


For vec_cast_common(), vectors to cast. For vec_cast(), vec_cast_default(), and vec_restore(), these dots are only for future extensions and should be empty.


a function or character value. If a function, it should accept a character vector and return a matrix of parttime components. If a character it should provide a regular exprssion which contains capture groups for each of the parttime components. See parse_to_parttime_matrix's regex parameter for more details.


A partial_timespan vector

parttime documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:25 a.m.