Man pages for patchDVI
Package to Patch '.dvi' or '.synctex' Files

defSconcordanceSupport for non-Sweave concordances.
DVIspecialsGet and set DVI specials
knitInRStudioTrigger processing of chapter files from RStudio.
knitPDFKnit a File and Patch
needsPackagesCheck for and optionally install packages used by document.
patchDVIpatch Sweave source references into .dvi file
patchLogPatch a LaTeX log file.
pdf_documentCR Markdown driver to add concordance
pdf_with_patchesConvert an R Markdown pdf driver to one that handles...
readDVIDemo function to read a .dvi file
renderPDFRender R Markdown and Patch
SweaveAllApply Sweave to a collection of files.
SweaveMiktexRun Sweave and Patch
patchDVI documentation built on March 31, 2023, 11:34 p.m.