Man pages for patientProfilesVis
Visualization of Patient Profiles

addReferenceLinesProfilePlotAdd reference lines to a profile plot
checkTimeExpandCheck if some of the modules are time expanded, and extract...
checkTimeTransCheck if the subject profiles are time transformed, and if...
checkVarCheck if specified variable(s) are present in the data.
combineVerticallyGGplotCombine vertically multiple 'ggplot'.
convertAesVarConvert aesthetic variable for patient profile visualization.
countNLinesCount number of lines ('\n' character) per character in a...
createSubjectProfileReportCreate subject profile report.
defineIndexDefine LaTeX index based on specified variable(s) of the...
filterDataFilter a dataset for records of interest, for use in the...
filterMissingInVarFilter missing records in data in the time and y variables,...
formatParamVarTextPlotFormat text variables for the subject profile text plotting...
formatTimeIntervalSet missing start/end time variable in the data.
formatTimeLimFormat specified 'timeLim'.
getAesScaleManualGet custom 'scale_[type]_manual' function
getColorPalettePatientProfileGet a color palette for patient profile visualizations.
getMaxNLinesCombinePlotGet maximum number of lines of a 'combined plot' for a...
getNLinesLabelGet number of lines for specific label either from a...
getNLinesLegendGet number of lines in the legend, either from directly the...
getNLinesSubjectProfileGet approximately the number of 'lines' in the vertical...
getOptimalColWidthGet optimal column widths, based on the minimum word size and...
getPageVarGet variable with page of the plot, used for automatic paging...
getPathTemplateGet path of the report template in the 'patientProfilesVis'...
getShapePalettePatientProfileGet a shape palette for patient profile visualizations.
getSplitVectorByIntSplit/combine a vector of size(s) to have a fixed combined...
getTimeLimSubjectProfilePlotsGet the limits to set for the subject profile plots,...
getTimeTransGet useful transformation for the time variable in patient...
getWidthPlotGet width for a plot for a certain page layout
interactionWithMissingGet interaction variable between different variables.
isSubjectProfileTimeVariantCheck if the all profile(s) is/are 'time-variant', so not a...
patientProfilesVis-common-argsArguments used across the functions of the patientProfilesVis...
patientProfilesVis-paletteParameters for all patient profiles visualization palette...
prepareSubjectProfileprepare list of subject profile (s) to be combined with the...
sortSubjectsSort subjects based on a specified dataset/variable.
subjectProfileCombineCombine subject profile plots.
subjectProfileEventPlotVisualize events in subject profiles, so event with a single...
subjectProfileExportCreate report
subjectProfileIntervalPlotVisualize time interval in subject profiles, so event with a...
subjectProfileLinePlotVisualize subject profiles of the evolution of continuous...
subjectProfileReportFormatGet list with format specification for subject profile...
subjectProfileTextPlotVisualize text-information in subject profiles.
subjectProfileThemeCustom 'theme' for subject profile plot. Currently classic...
patientProfilesVis documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:44 a.m.