patrick-package: Parameterized Unit Testing

patrick-packageR Documentation

Parameterized Unit Testing


'patrick' (parameterized testing in R is kind of cool!) is a 'testthat' extension that lets you create reusable blocks of a test codes. Parameterized tests are often easier to read and more reliable, since they follow the DNRY (do not repeat yourself) rule. To do this, define tests with the function [with_parameters_test_that()]. Multiple approaches are provided for passing sets of cases.


This package is inspired by parameterized testing packages in other languages, notably the ['parameterized']( library in Python.


Maintainer: Michael Quinn

See Also

Useful links:


with_parameters_test_that("trigonometric functions match identities:",
    testthat::expect_equal(expr, numeric_value)
  expr = c(sin(pi / 4), cos(pi / 4), tan(pi / 4)),
  numeric_value = c(1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2), 1),
  .test_name = c("sin", "cos", "tan")

# Run the same test with the cases() constructor
  "trigonometric functions match identities",
    testthat::expect_equal(expr, numeric_value)
    sin = list(expr = sin(pi / 4), numeric_value = 1 / sqrt(2)),
    cos = list(expr = cos(pi / 4), numeric_value = 1 / sqrt(2)),
    tan = list(expr = tan(pi / 4), numeric_value = 1)

# If names aren't provided, they are automatically generated.
  "trigonometric functions match identities",
    testthat::expect_equal(expr, numeric_value)
    list(expr = sin(pi / 4), numeric_value = 1 / sqrt(2)),
    list(expr = cos(pi / 4), numeric_value = 1 / sqrt(2)),
    list(expr = tan(pi / 4), numeric_value = 1)
# The first test case is named "expr=0.7071068, numeric_value="0.7071068"
# and so on.

# Or, pass a data frame of cases, perhaps using a helper function
make_cases <- function() {
    ~.test_name, ~expr, ~numeric_value,
    "sin", sin(pi / 4), 1 / sqrt(2),
    "cos", cos(pi / 4), 1 / sqrt(2),
    "tan", tan(pi / 4), 1

  "trigonometric functions match identities",
    testthat::expect_equal(expr, numeric_value)
  .cases = make_cases()

patrick documentation built on Oct. 14, 2022, 1:09 a.m.