firehose_create_delivery_stream: Creates a Firehose delivery stream

View source: R/firehose_operations.R

firehose_create_delivery_streamR Documentation

Creates a Firehose delivery stream


Creates a Firehose delivery stream.

See for full documentation.


  DeliveryStreamType = NULL,
  KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration = NULL,
  DeliveryStreamEncryptionConfigurationInput = NULL,
  S3DestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  RedshiftDestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  AmazonopensearchserviceDestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  SplunkDestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  HttpEndpointDestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  Tags = NULL,
  AmazonOpenSearchServerlessDestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  MSKSourceConfiguration = NULL,
  SnowflakeDestinationConfiguration = NULL,
  IcebergDestinationConfiguration = NULL



[required] The name of the delivery stream. This name must be unique per Amazon Web Services account in the same Amazon Web Services Region. If the delivery streams are in different accounts or different Regions, you can have multiple delivery streams with the same name.


The delivery stream type. This parameter can be one of the following values:

  • DirectPut: Provider applications access the delivery stream directly.

  • KinesisStreamAsSource: The delivery stream uses a Kinesis data stream as a source.


When a Kinesis data stream is used as the source for the delivery stream, a KinesisStreamSourceConfiguration containing the Kinesis data stream Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and the role ARN for the source stream.


Used to specify the type and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the KMS key needed for Server-Side Encryption (SSE).


[Deprecated] The destination in Amazon S3. You can specify only one destination.


The destination in Amazon S3. You can specify only one destination.


The destination in Amazon Redshift. You can specify only one destination.


The destination in Amazon ES. You can specify only one destination.


The destination in Amazon OpenSearch Service. You can specify only one destination.


The destination in Splunk. You can specify only one destination.


Enables configuring Kinesis Firehose to deliver data to any HTTP endpoint destination. You can specify only one destination.


A set of tags to assign to the delivery stream. A tag is a key-value pair that you can define and assign to Amazon Web Services resources. Tags are metadata. For example, you can add friendly names and descriptions or other types of information that can help you distinguish the delivery stream. For more information about tags, see Using Cost Allocation Tags in the Amazon Web Services Billing and Cost Management User Guide.

You can specify up to 50 tags when creating a delivery stream.

If you specify tags in the create_delivery_stream action, Amazon Data Firehose performs an additional authorization on the firehose:TagDeliveryStream action to verify if users have permissions to create tags. If you do not provide this permission, requests to create new Firehose delivery streams with IAM resource tags will fail with an AccessDeniedException such as following.


User: arn:aws:sts::x:assumed-role/x/x is not authorized to perform: firehose:TagDeliveryStream on resource: arn:aws:firehose:us-east-1:x:deliverystream/x with an explicit deny in an identity-based policy.

For an example IAM policy, see Tag example.


The destination in the Serverless offering for Amazon OpenSearch Service. You can specify only one destination.


Configure Snowflake destination


Configure Apache Iceberg Tables destination.

Amazon Data Firehose is in preview release and is subject to change. documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:40 a.m.