kendra_query: Searches an index given an input query

View source: R/kendra_operations.R

kendra_queryR Documentation

Searches an index given an input query


Searches an index given an input query.

See for full documentation.


  QueryText = NULL,
  AttributeFilter = NULL,
  Facets = NULL,
  RequestedDocumentAttributes = NULL,
  QueryResultTypeFilter = NULL,
  DocumentRelevanceOverrideConfigurations = NULL,
  PageNumber = NULL,
  PageSize = NULL,
  SortingConfiguration = NULL,
  UserContext = NULL,
  VisitorId = NULL,
  SpellCorrectionConfiguration = NULL



[required] The identifier of the index for the search.


The input query text for the search. Amazon Kendra truncates queries at 30 token words, which excludes punctuation and stop words. Truncation still applies if you use Boolean or more advanced, complex queries.


Filters search results by document fields/attributes. You can only provide one attribute filter; however, the AndAllFilters, NotFilter, and OrAllFilters parameters contain a list of other filters.

The AttributeFilter parameter means you can create a set of filtering rules that a document must satisfy to be included in the query results.


An array of documents fields/attributes for faceted search. Amazon Kendra returns a count for each field key specified. This helps your users narrow their search.


An array of document fields/attributes to include in the response. You can limit the response to include certain document fields. By default, all document attributes are included in the response.


Sets the type of query result or response. Only results for the specified type are returned.


Overrides relevance tuning configurations of fields/attributes set at the index level.

If you use this API to override the relevance tuning configured at the index level, but there is no relevance tuning configured at the index level, then Amazon Kendra does not apply any relevance tuning.

If there is relevance tuning configured for fields at the index level, and you use this API to override only some of these fields, then for the fields you did not override, the importance is set to 1.


Query results are returned in pages the size of the PageSize parameter. By default, Amazon Kendra returns the first page of results. Use this parameter to get result pages after the first one.


Sets the number of results that are returned in each page of results. The default page size is 10. The maximum number of results returned is 100. If you ask for more than 100 results, only 100 are returned.


Provides information that determines how the results of the query are sorted. You can set the field that Amazon Kendra should sort the results on, and specify whether the results should be sorted in ascending or descending order. In the case of ties in sorting the results, the results are sorted by relevance.

If you don't provide sorting configuration, the results are sorted by the relevance that Amazon Kendra determines for the result.


The user context token or user and group information.


Provides an identifier for a specific user. The VisitorId should be a unique identifier, such as a GUID. Don't use personally identifiable information, such as the user's email address, as the VisitorId.


Enables suggested spell corrections for queries. documentation built on Sept. 11, 2023, 5:06 p.m.