lightsail_create_disk_from_snapshot: Creates a block storage disk from a manual or automatic...

View source: R/lightsail_operations.R

lightsail_create_disk_from_snapshotR Documentation

Creates a block storage disk from a manual or automatic snapshot of a disk


Creates a block storage disk from a manual or automatic snapshot of a disk. The resulting disk can be attached to an Amazon Lightsail instance in the same Availability Zone (⁠us-east-2a⁠).

See for full documentation.


  diskSnapshotName = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  addOns = NULL,
  sourceDiskName = NULL,
  restoreDate = NULL,
  useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot = NULL



[required] The unique Lightsail disk name (my-disk).


The name of the disk snapshot (my-snapshot) from which to create the new storage disk.


  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠source disk name⁠ parameter. The ⁠disk snapshot name⁠ and ⁠source disk name⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.


[required] The Availability Zone where you want to create the disk (⁠us-east-2a⁠). Choose the same Availability Zone as the Lightsail instance where you want to create the disk.

Use the GetRegions operation to list the Availability Zones where Lightsail is currently available.


[required] The size of the disk in GB (32).


The tag keys and optional values to add to the resource during create.

Use the tag_resource action to tag a resource after it's created.


An array of objects that represent the add-ons to enable for the new disk.


The name of the source disk from which the source automatic snapshot was created.


  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠disk snapshot name⁠ parameter. The ⁠source disk name⁠ and ⁠disk snapshot name⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.

  • Define this parameter only when creating a new disk from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.


The date of the automatic snapshot to use for the new disk. Use the ⁠get auto snapshots⁠ operation to identify the dates of the available automatic snapshots.


  • Must be specified in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠use latest restorable auto snapshot⁠ parameter. The ⁠restore date⁠ and ⁠use latest restorable auto snapshot⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.

  • Define this parameter only when creating a new disk from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.


A Boolean value to indicate whether to use the latest available automatic snapshot.


  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠restore date⁠ parameter. The ⁠use latest restorable auto snapshot⁠ and ⁠restore date⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.

  • Define this parameter only when creating a new disk from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.

paws.compute documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:16 a.m.