lightsail_create_instances_from_snapshot: Creates one or more new instances from a manual or automatic...

View source: R/lightsail_operations.R

lightsail_create_instances_from_snapshotR Documentation

Creates one or more new instances from a manual or automatic snapshot of an instance


Creates one or more new instances from a manual or automatic snapshot of an instance.

See for full documentation.


  attachedDiskMapping = NULL,
  instanceSnapshotName = NULL,
  userData = NULL,
  keyPairName = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  addOns = NULL,
  ipAddressType = NULL,
  sourceInstanceName = NULL,
  restoreDate = NULL,
  useLatestRestorableAutoSnapshot = NULL



[required] The names for your new instances.


An object containing information about one or more disk mappings.


[required] The Availability Zone where you want to create your instances. Use the following formatting: ⁠us-east-2a⁠ (case sensitive). You can get a list of Availability Zones by using the get regions operation. Be sure to add the ⁠include Availability Zones⁠ parameter to your request.


The name of the instance snapshot on which you are basing your new instances. Use the get instance snapshots operation to return information about your existing snapshots.


  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠source instance name⁠ parameter. The ⁠instance snapshot name⁠ and ⁠source instance name⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.


[required] The bundle of specification information for your virtual private server (or instance), including the pricing plan (micro_1_0).


You can create a launch script that configures a server with additional user data. For example, ⁠apt-get -y update⁠.

Depending on the machine image you choose, the command to get software on your instance varies. Amazon Linux and CentOS use yum, Debian and Ubuntu use apt-get, and FreeBSD uses pkg. For a complete list, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.


The name for your key pair.


The tag keys and optional values to add to the resource during create.

Use the tag_resource action to tag a resource after it's created.


An array of objects representing the add-ons to enable for the new instance.


The IP address type for the instance.

The possible values are ipv4 for IPv4 only, and dualstack for IPv4 and IPv6.

The default value is dualstack.


The name of the source instance from which the source automatic snapshot was created.


  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠instance snapshot name⁠ parameter. The ⁠source instance name⁠ and ⁠instance snapshot name⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.

  • Define this parameter only when creating a new instance from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.


The date of the automatic snapshot to use for the new instance. Use the ⁠get auto snapshots⁠ operation to identify the dates of the available automatic snapshots.


  • Must be specified in YYYY-MM-DD format.

  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠use latest restorable auto snapshot⁠ parameter. The ⁠restore date⁠ and ⁠use latest restorable auto snapshot⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.

  • Define this parameter only when creating a new instance from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.


A Boolean value to indicate whether to use the latest available automatic snapshot.


  • This parameter cannot be defined together with the ⁠restore date⁠ parameter. The ⁠use latest restorable auto snapshot⁠ and ⁠restore date⁠ parameters are mutually exclusive.

  • Define this parameter only when creating a new instance from an automatic snapshot. For more information, see the Amazon Lightsail Developer Guide.

paws.compute documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:16 a.m.