Man pages for
'Amazon Web Services' Cost Management Services

billingconductor_associate_accountsConnects an array of account IDs in a consolidated billing...
billingconductor_associate_pricing_rulesConnects an array of PricingRuleArns to a defined PricingPlan
billingconductor_batch_assoc_resou_to_custo_line_itemAssociates a batch of resources to a percentage custom line...
billingconductor_batch_disas_resou_from_custo_line_itemDisassociates a batch of resources from a percentage custom...
billingconductor_create_billing_groupCreates a billing group that resembles a consolidated billing...
billingconductor_create_custom_line_itemCreates a custom line item that can be used to create a...
billingconductor_create_pricing_planCreates a pricing plan that is used for computing Amazon Web...
billingconductor_create_pricing_ruleCreates a pricing rule can be associated to a pricing plan,...
billingconductor_delete_billing_groupDeletes a billing group
billingconductor_delete_custom_line_itemDeletes the custom line item identified by the given ARN in...
billingconductor_delete_pricing_planDeletes a pricing plan
billingconductor_delete_pricing_ruleDeletes the pricing rule that's identified by the input...
billingconductor_disassociate_accountsRemoves the specified list of account IDs from the given...
billingconductor_disassociate_pricing_rulesDisassociates a list of pricing rules from a pricing plan
billingconductor_list_account_associationsThis is a paginated call to list linked accounts that are...
billingconductor_list_billing_group_cost_reportsA paginated call to retrieve a summary report of actual...
billingconductor_list_billing_groupsA paginated call to retrieve a list of billing groups for the...
billingconductor_list_custom_line_itemsA paginated call to get a list of all custom line items...
billingconductor_list_custom_line_item_versionsA paginated call to get a list of all custom line item...
billingconductor_list_pricing_plansA paginated call to get pricing plans for the given billing...
billingconductor_list_pricing_rulesDescribes a pricing rule that can be associated to a pricing...
billingconductor_list_prici_plans_assoc_with_prici_ruleA list of the pricing plans that are associated with a...
billingconductor_list_prici_rules_assoc_to_prici_planLists the pricing rules that are associated with a pricing...
billingconductor_list_resou_assoc_to_custo_line_itemList the resources that are associated to a custom line item
billingconductor_list_tags_for_resourceA list the tags for a resource
billingconductor_tag_resourceAssociates the specified tags to a resource with the...
billingconductor_untag_resourceDeletes specified tags from a resource
billingconductor_update_billing_groupThis updates an existing billing group
billingconductor_update_custom_line_itemUpdate an existing custom line item in the current or...
billingconductor_update_pricing_planThis updates an existing pricing plan
billingconductor_update_pricing_ruleUpdates an existing pricing rule
budgetsAWS Budgets
budgets_create_budgetCreates a budget and, if included, notifications and...
budgets_create_budget_actionCreates a budget action
budgets_create_notificationCreates a notification
budgets_create_subscriberCreates a subscriber
budgets_delete_budgetDeletes a budget
budgets_delete_budget_actionDeletes a budget action
budgets_delete_notificationDeletes a notification
budgets_delete_subscriberDeletes a subscriber
budgets_describe_budgetDescribes a budget
budgets_describe_budget_actionDescribes a budget action detail
budgets_describe_budget_action_historiesDescribes a budget action history detail
budgets_describe_budget_actions_for_accountDescribes all of the budget actions for an account
budgets_describe_budget_actions_for_budgetDescribes all of the budget actions for a budget
budgets_describe_budget_notifications_for_accountLists the budget names and notifications that are associated...
budgets_describe_budget_performance_historyDescribes the history for DAILY, MONTHLY, and QUARTERLY...
budgets_describe_budgetsLists the budgets that are associated with an account
budgets_describe_notifications_for_budgetLists the notifications that are associated with a budget
budgets_describe_subscribers_for_notificationLists the subscribers that are associated with a notification
budgets_execute_budget_actionExecutes a budget action
budgets_update_budgetUpdates a budget
budgets_update_budget_actionUpdates a budget action
budgets_update_notificationUpdates a notification
budgets_update_subscriberUpdates a subscriber
costandusagereportserviceAWS Cost and Usage Report Service
costandusagereportservice_delete_report_definitionDeletes the specified report
costandusagereportservice_describe_report_definitionsLists the AWS Cost and Usage reports available to this...
costandusagereportservice_modify_report_definitionAllows you to programatically update your report preferences
costandusagereportservice_put_report_definitionCreates a new report using the description that you provide
costexplorerAWS Cost Explorer Service
costexplorer_create_anomaly_monitorCreates a new cost anomaly detection monitor with the...
costexplorer_create_anomaly_subscriptionAdds an alert subscription to a cost anomaly detection...
costexplorer_create_cost_category_definitionCreates a new Cost Category with the requested name and rules
costexplorer_delete_anomaly_monitorDeletes a cost anomaly monitor
costexplorer_delete_anomaly_subscriptionDeletes a cost anomaly subscription
costexplorer_delete_cost_category_definitionDeletes a Cost Category
costexplorer_describe_cost_category_definitionReturns the name, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), rules,...
costexplorer_get_anomaliesRetrieves all of the cost anomalies detected on your account...
costexplorer_get_anomaly_monitorsRetrieves the cost anomaly monitor definitions for your...
costexplorer_get_anomaly_subscriptionsRetrieves the cost anomaly subscription objects for your...
costexplorer_get_cost_and_usageRetrieves cost and usage metrics for your account
costexplorer_get_cost_and_usage_with_resourcesRetrieves cost and usage metrics with resources for your...
costexplorer_get_cost_categoriesRetrieves an array of Cost Category names and values incurred...
costexplorer_get_cost_forecastRetrieves a forecast for how much Amazon Web Services...
costexplorer_get_dimension_valuesRetrieves all available filter values for a specified filter...
costexplorer_get_reservation_coverageRetrieves the reservation coverage for your account, which...
costexplorer_get_reservation_purchase_recommendationGets recommendations for reservation purchases
costexplorer_get_reservation_utilizationRetrieves the reservation utilization for your account
costexplorer_get_rightsizing_recommendationCreates recommendations that help you save cost by...
costexplorer_get_saving_plan_purcha_recomm_detailRetrieves the details for a Savings Plan recommendation
costexplorer_get_savings_plans_coverageRetrieves the Savings Plans covered for your account
costexplorer_get_savings_plans_purchase_recommendationRetrieves the Savings Plans recommendations for your account
costexplorer_get_savings_plans_utilizationRetrieves the Savings Plans utilization for your account...
costexplorer_get_savings_plans_utilization_detailsRetrieves attribute data along with aggregate utilization and...
costexplorer_get_tagsQueries for available tag keys and tag values for a specified...
costexplorer_get_usage_forecastRetrieves a forecast for how much Amazon Web Services...
costexplorer_list_cost_allocation_tagsGet a list of cost allocation tags
costexplorer_list_cost_category_definitionsReturns the name, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), NumberOfRules...
costexplorer_list_saving_plans_purcha_recomm_generaRetrieves a list of your historical recommendation...
costexplorer_list_tags_for_resourceReturns a list of resource tags associated with the resource...
costexplorer_provide_anomaly_feedbackModifies the feedback property of a given cost anomaly
costexplorer_start_saving_plans_purcha_recomm_generaRequests a Savings Plans recommendation generation
costexplorer_tag_resourceAn API operation for adding one or more tags (key-value...
costexplorer_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from a resource
costexplorer_update_anomaly_monitorUpdates an existing cost anomaly monitor
costexplorer_update_anomaly_subscriptionUpdates an existing cost anomaly subscription
costexplorer_update_cost_allocation_tags_statusUpdates status for cost allocation tags in bulk, with maximum...
costexplorer_update_cost_category_definitionUpdates an existing Cost Category
marketplacecatalogAWS Marketplace Catalog Service
marketplacecatalog_cancel_change_setUsed to cancel an open change request
marketplacecatalog_delete_resource_policyDeletes a resource-based policy on an Entity that is...
marketplacecatalog_describe_change_setProvides information about a given change set
marketplacecatalog_describe_entityReturns the metadata and content of the entity
marketplacecatalog_get_resource_policyGets a resource-based policy of an Entity that is identified...
marketplacecatalog_list_change_setsReturns the list of change sets owned by the account being...
marketplacecatalog_list_entitiesProvides the list of entities of a given type
marketplacecatalog_list_tags_for_resourceLists all tags that have been added to a resource (either an...
marketplacecatalog_put_resource_policyAttaches a resource-based policy to an Entity
marketplacecatalog_start_change_setAllows you to request changes for your entities
marketplacecatalog_tag_resourceTags a resource (either an entity or change set)
marketplacecatalog_untag_resourceRemoves a tag or list of tags from a resource (either an...
marketplacecommerceanalyticsAWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics
marketplacecommerceanalytics_generate_data_setGiven a data set type and data set publication date,...
marketplacecommerceanalytics_start_support_data_exportGiven a data set type and a from date, asynchronously...
marketplaceentitlementserviceAWS Marketplace Entitlement Service
marketplaceentitlementservice_get_entitlementsGetEntitlements retrieves entitlement values for a given...
marketplacemeteringAWSMarketplace Metering
marketplacemetering_batch_meter_usageBatchMeterUsage is called from a SaaS application listed on...
marketplacemetering_meter_usageAPI to emit metering records
marketplacemetering_register_usagePaid container software products sold through AWS Marketplace...
marketplacemetering_resolve_customerResolveCustomer is called by a SaaS application during the...
pricingAWS Price List Service
pricing_describe_servicesReturns the metadata for one service or a list of the...
pricing_get_attribute_valuesReturns a list of attribute values
pricing_get_price_list_file_urlThis feature is in preview release and is subject to change
pricing_get_productsReturns a list of all products that match the filter criteria
pricing_list_price_listsThis feature is in preview release and is subject to change
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
savingsplansAWS Savings Plans
savingsplans_create_savings_planCreates a Savings Plan
savingsplans_delete_queued_savings_planDeletes the queued purchase for the specified Savings Plan
savingsplans_describe_savings_plan_ratesDescribes the specified Savings Plans rates
savingsplans_describe_savings_plansDescribes the specified Savings Plans
savingsplans_describe_savings_plans_offering_ratesDescribes the specified Savings Plans offering rates
savingsplans_describe_savings_plans_offeringsDescribes the specified Savings Plans offerings
savingsplans_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags for the specified resource
savingsplans_tag_resourceAdds the specified tags to the specified resource
savingsplans_untag_resourceRemoves the specified tags from the specified resource documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 1:09 a.m.