Man pages for paws.end.user.computing
'Amazon Web Services' End User Computing Services

appstreamAmazon AppStream
appstream_associate_app_block_builder_app_blockAssociates the specified app block builder with the specified...
appstream_associate_application_fleetAssociates the specified application with the specified fleet
appstream_associate_application_to_entitlementAssociates an application to entitle
appstream_associate_fleetAssociates the specified fleet with the specified stack
appstream_batch_associate_user_stackAssociates the specified users with the specified stacks
appstream_batch_disassociate_user_stackDisassociates the specified users from the specified stacks
appstream_copy_imageCopies the image within the same region or to a new region...
appstream_create_app_blockCreates an app block
appstream_create_app_block_builderCreates an app block builder
appstream_create_app_block_builder_streaming_urlCreates a URL to start a create app block builder streaming...
appstream_create_applicationCreates an application
appstream_create_directory_configCreates a Directory Config object in AppStream 2
appstream_create_entitlementCreates a new entitlement
appstream_create_fleetCreates a fleet
appstream_create_image_builderCreates an image builder
appstream_create_image_builder_streaming_urlCreates a URL to start an image builder streaming session
appstream_create_stackCreates a stack to start streaming applications to users
appstream_create_streaming_urlCreates a temporary URL to start an AppStream 2
appstream_create_updated_imageCreates a new image with the latest Windows operating system...
appstream_create_usage_report_subscriptionCreates a usage report subscription
appstream_create_userCreates a new user in the user pool
appstream_delete_app_blockDeletes an app block
appstream_delete_app_block_builderDeletes an app block builder
appstream_delete_applicationDeletes an application
appstream_delete_directory_configDeletes the specified Directory Config object from AppStream...
appstream_delete_entitlementDeletes the specified entitlement
appstream_delete_fleetDeletes the specified fleet
appstream_delete_imageDeletes the specified image
appstream_delete_image_builderDeletes the specified image builder and releases the capacity
appstream_delete_image_permissionsDeletes permissions for the specified private image
appstream_delete_stackDeletes the specified stack
appstream_delete_usage_report_subscriptionDisables usage report generation
appstream_delete_userDeletes a user from the user pool
appstream_describe_app_block_builder_app_block_associationsRetrieves a list that describes one or more app block builder...
appstream_describe_app_block_buildersRetrieves a list that describes one or more app block...
appstream_describe_app_blocksRetrieves a list that describes one or more app blocks
appstream_describe_application_fleet_associationsRetrieves a list that describes one or more application fleet...
appstream_describe_applicationsRetrieves a list that describes one or more applications
appstream_describe_directory_configsRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified...
appstream_describe_entitlementsRetrieves a list that describes one of more entitlements
appstream_describe_fleetsRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified fleets,...
appstream_describe_image_buildersRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified image...
appstream_describe_image_permissionsRetrieves a list that describes the permissions for shared...
appstream_describe_imagesRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified images,...
appstream_describe_sessionsRetrieves a list that describes the streaming sessions for a...
appstream_describe_stacksRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified stacks,...
appstream_describe_usage_report_subscriptionsRetrieves a list that describes one or more usage report...
appstream_describe_usersRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified users...
appstream_describe_user_stack_associationsRetrieves a list that describes the UserStackAssociation...
appstream_disable_userDisables the specified user in the user pool
appstream_disassociate_app_block_builder_app_blockDisassociates a specified app block builder from a specified...
appstream_disassociate_application_fleetDisassociates the specified application from the fleet
appstream_disassociate_application_from_entitlementDeletes the specified application from the specified...
appstream_disassociate_fleetDisassociates the specified fleet from the specified stack
appstream_enable_userEnables a user in the user pool
appstream_expire_sessionImmediately stops the specified streaming session
appstream_list_associated_fleetsRetrieves the name of the fleet that is associated with the...
appstream_list_associated_stacksRetrieves the name of the stack with which the specified...
appstream_list_entitled_applicationsRetrieves a list of entitled applications
appstream_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves a list of all tags for the specified AppStream 2
appstream_start_app_block_builderStarts an app block builder
appstream_start_fleetStarts the specified fleet
appstream_start_image_builderStarts the specified image builder
appstream_stop_app_block_builderStops an app block builder
appstream_stop_fleetStops the specified fleet
appstream_stop_image_builderStops the specified image builder
appstream_tag_resourceAdds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified...
appstream_untag_resourceDisassociates one or more specified tags from the specified...
appstream_update_app_block_builderUpdates an app block builder
appstream_update_applicationUpdates the specified application
appstream_update_directory_configUpdates the specified Directory Config object in AppStream 2
appstream_update_entitlementUpdates the specified entitlement
appstream_update_fleetUpdates the specified fleet
appstream_update_image_permissionsAdds or updates permissions for the specified private image
appstream_update_stackUpdates the specified fields for the specified stack
ivschatAmazon Interactive Video Service Chat
ivschat_create_chat_tokenCreates an encrypted token that is used by a chat participant...
ivschat_create_logging_configurationCreates a logging configuration that allows clients to store...
ivschat_create_roomCreates a room that allows clients to connect and pass...
ivschat_delete_logging_configurationDeletes the specified logging configuration
ivschat_delete_messageSends an event to a specific room which directs clients to...
ivschat_delete_roomDeletes the specified room
ivschat_disconnect_userDisconnects all connections using a specified user ID from a...
ivschat_get_logging_configurationGets the specified logging configuration
ivschat_get_roomGets the specified room
ivschat_list_logging_configurationsGets summary information about all your logging...
ivschat_list_roomsGets summary information about all your rooms in the AWS...
ivschat_list_tags_for_resourceGets information about AWS tags for the specified ARN
ivschat_send_eventSends an event to a room
ivschat_tag_resourceAdds or updates tags for the AWS resource with the specified...
ivschat_untag_resourceRemoves tags from the resource with the specified ARN
ivschat_update_logging_configurationUpdates a specified logging configuration
ivschat_update_roomUpdates a room’s configuration
nimblestudio_accept_eulasAccept EULAs
nimblestudio_create_launch_profileCreate a launch profile
nimblestudio_create_streaming_imageCreates a streaming image resource in a studio
nimblestudio_create_streaming_sessionCreates a streaming session in a studio
nimblestudio_create_streaming_session_streamCreates a streaming session stream for a streaming session
nimblestudio_create_studioCreate a new studio
nimblestudio_create_studio_componentCreates a studio component resource
nimblestudio_delete_launch_profilePermanently delete a launch profile
nimblestudio_delete_launch_profile_memberDelete a user from launch profile membership
nimblestudio_delete_streaming_imageDelete streaming image
nimblestudio_delete_streaming_sessionDeletes streaming session resource
nimblestudio_delete_studioDelete a studio resource
nimblestudio_delete_studio_componentDeletes a studio component resource
nimblestudio_delete_studio_memberDelete a user from studio membership
nimblestudio_get_eulaGet EULA
nimblestudio_get_launch_profileGet a launch profile
nimblestudio_get_launch_profile_detailsLaunch profile details include the launch profile resource...
nimblestudio_get_launch_profile_initializationGet a launch profile initialization
nimblestudio_get_launch_profile_memberGet a user persona in launch profile membership
nimblestudio_get_streaming_imageGet streaming image
nimblestudio_get_streaming_sessionGets StreamingSession resource
nimblestudio_get_streaming_session_backupGets StreamingSessionBackup resource
nimblestudio_get_streaming_session_streamGets a StreamingSessionStream for a streaming session
nimblestudio_get_studioGet a studio resource
nimblestudio_get_studio_componentGets a studio component resource
nimblestudio_get_studio_memberGet a user's membership in a studio
nimblestudio_list_eula_acceptancesList EULA acceptances
nimblestudio_list_eulasList EULAs
nimblestudio_list_launch_profile_membersGet all users in a given launch profile membership
nimblestudio_list_launch_profilesList all the launch profiles a studio
nimblestudio_list_streaming_imagesList the streaming image resources available to this studio
nimblestudio_list_streaming_session_backupsLists the backups of a streaming session in a studio
nimblestudio_list_streaming_sessionsLists the streaming sessions in a studio
nimblestudio_list_studio_componentsLists the StudioComponents in a studio
nimblestudio_list_studio_membersGet all users in a given studio membership
nimblestudio_list_studiosList studios in your Amazon Web Services accounts in the...
nimblestudio_list_tags_for_resourceGets the tags for a resource, given its Amazon Resource Names...
nimblestudio_put_launch_profile_membersAdd/update users with given persona to launch profile...
nimblestudio_put_studio_membersAdd/update users with given persona to studio membership
nimblestudio_start_streaming_sessionTransitions sessions from the STOPPED state into the READY...
nimblestudio_start_studio_sso_configuration_repairRepairs the IAM Identity Center configuration for a given...
nimblestudio_stop_streaming_sessionTransitions sessions from the READY state into the STOPPED...
nimblestudio_tag_resourceCreates tags for a resource, given its ARN
nimblestudio_untag_resourceDeletes the tags for a resource
nimblestudio_update_launch_profileUpdate a launch profile
nimblestudio_update_launch_profile_memberUpdate a user persona in launch profile membership
nimblestudio_update_streaming_imageUpdate streaming image
nimblestudio_update_studioUpdate a Studio resource
nimblestudio_update_studio_componentUpdates a studio component resource
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
workdocsAmazon WorkDocs
workdocs_abort_document_version_uploadAborts the upload of the specified document version that was...
workdocs_activate_userActivates the specified user
workdocs_add_resource_permissionsCreates a set of permissions for the specified folder or...
workdocs_create_commentAdds a new comment to the specified document version
workdocs_create_custom_metadataAdds one or more custom properties to the specified resource...
workdocs_create_folderCreates a folder with the specified name and parent folder
workdocs_create_labelsAdds the specified list of labels to the given resource (a...
workdocs_create_notification_subscriptionConfigure Amazon WorkDocs to use Amazon SNS notifications
workdocs_create_userCreates a user in a Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory
workdocs_deactivate_userDeactivates the specified user, which revokes the user's...
workdocs_delete_commentDeletes the specified comment from the document version
workdocs_delete_custom_metadataDeletes custom metadata from the specified resource
workdocs_delete_documentPermanently deletes the specified document and its associated...
workdocs_delete_document_versionDeletes a specific version of a document
workdocs_delete_folderPermanently deletes the specified folder and its contents
workdocs_delete_folder_contentsDeletes the contents of the specified folder
workdocs_delete_labelsDeletes the specified list of labels from a resource
workdocs_delete_notification_subscriptionDeletes the specified subscription from the specified...
workdocs_delete_userDeletes the specified user from a Simple AD or Microsoft AD...
workdocs_describe_activitiesDescribes the user activities in a specified time period
workdocs_describe_commentsList all the comments for the specified document version
workdocs_describe_document_versionsRetrieves the document versions for the specified document
workdocs_describe_folder_contentsDescribes the contents of the specified folder, including its...
workdocs_describe_groupsDescribes the groups specified by the query
workdocs_describe_notification_subscriptionsLists the specified notification subscriptions
workdocs_describe_resource_permissionsDescribes the permissions of a specified resource
workdocs_describe_root_foldersDescribes the current user's special folders; the RootFolder...
workdocs_describe_usersDescribes the specified users
workdocs_get_current_userRetrieves details of the current user for whom the...
workdocs_get_documentRetrieves details of a document
workdocs_get_document_pathRetrieves the path information (the hierarchy from the root...
workdocs_get_document_versionRetrieves version metadata for the specified document
workdocs_get_folderRetrieves the metadata of the specified folder
workdocs_get_folder_pathRetrieves the path information (the hierarchy from the root...
workdocs_get_resourcesRetrieves a collection of resources, including folders and...
workdocs_initiate_document_version_uploadCreates a new document object and version object
workdocs_remove_all_resource_permissionsRemoves all the permissions from the specified resource
workdocs_remove_resource_permissionRemoves the permission for the specified principal from the...
workdocs_restore_document_versionsRecovers a deleted version of an Amazon WorkDocs document
workdocs_search_resourcesSearches metadata and the content of folders, documents,...
workdocs_update_documentUpdates the specified attributes of a document
workdocs_update_document_versionChanges the status of the document version to ACTIVE
workdocs_update_folderUpdates the specified attributes of the specified folder
workdocs_update_userUpdates the specified attributes of the specified user, and...
worklinkAmazon WorkLink
worklink_associate_domainSpecifies a domain to be associated to Amazon WorkLink
worklink_associate_website_authorization_providerAssociates a website authorization provider with a specified...
worklink_associate_website_certificate_authorityImports the root certificate of a certificate authority (CA)...
worklink_create_fleetCreates a fleet
worklink_delete_fleetDeletes a fleet
worklink_describe_audit_stream_configurationDescribes the configuration for delivering audit streams to...
worklink_describe_company_network_configurationDescribes the networking configuration to access the internal...
worklink_describe_deviceProvides information about a user's device
worklink_describe_device_policy_configurationDescribes the device policy configuration for the specified...
worklink_describe_domainProvides information about the domain
worklink_describe_fleet_metadataProvides basic information for the specified fleet, excluding...
worklink_describe_identity_provider_configurationDescribes the identity provider configuration of the...
worklink_describe_website_certificate_authorityProvides information about the certificate authority
worklink_disassociate_domainDisassociates a domain from Amazon WorkLink
worklink_disassociate_website_authorization_providerDisassociates a website authorization provider from a...
worklink_disassociate_website_certificate_authorityRemoves a certificate authority (CA)
worklink_list_devicesRetrieves a list of devices registered with the specified...
worklink_list_domainsRetrieves a list of domains associated to a specified fleet
worklink_list_fleetsRetrieves a list of fleets for the current account and Region
worklink_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves a list of tags for the specified resource
worklink_list_website_authorization_providersRetrieves a list of website authorization providers...
worklink_list_website_certificate_authoritiesRetrieves a list of certificate authorities added for the...
worklink_restore_domain_accessMoves a domain to ACTIVE status if it was in the INACTIVE...
worklink_revoke_domain_accessMoves a domain to INACTIVE status if it was in the ACTIVE...
worklink_sign_out_userSigns the user out from all of their devices
worklink_tag_resourceAdds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified...
worklink_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified resource
worklink_update_audit_stream_configurationUpdates the audit stream configuration for the fleet
worklink_update_company_network_configurationUpdates the company network configuration for the fleet
worklink_update_device_policy_configurationUpdates the device policy configuration for the fleet
worklink_update_domain_metadataUpdates domain metadata, such as DisplayName
worklink_update_fleet_metadataUpdates fleet metadata, such as DisplayName
worklink_update_identity_provider_configurationUpdates the identity provider configuration for the fleet
workmailAmazon WorkMail
workmail_associate_delegate_to_resourceAdds a member (user or group) to the resource's set of...
workmail_associate_member_to_groupAdds a member (user or group) to the group's set
workmail_assume_impersonation_roleAssumes an impersonation role for the given WorkMail...
workmail_cancel_mailbox_export_jobCancels a mailbox export job
workmail_create_aliasAdds an alias to the set of a given member (user or group) of...
workmail_create_availability_configurationCreates an AvailabilityConfiguration for the given WorkMail...
workmail_create_groupCreates a group that can be used in WorkMail by calling the...
workmail_create_impersonation_roleCreates an impersonation role for the given WorkMail...
workmail_create_mobile_device_access_ruleCreates a new mobile device access rule for the specified...
workmail_create_organizationCreates a new WorkMail organization
workmail_create_resourceCreates a new WorkMail resource
workmail_create_userCreates a user who can be used in WorkMail by calling the...
workmail_delete_access_control_ruleDeletes an access control rule for the specified WorkMail...
workmail_delete_aliasRemove one or more specified aliases from a set of aliases...
workmail_delete_availability_configurationDeletes the AvailabilityConfiguration for the given WorkMail...
workmail_delete_email_monitoring_configurationDeletes the email monitoring configuration for a specified...
workmail_delete_groupDeletes a group from WorkMail
workmail_delete_impersonation_roleDeletes an impersonation role for the given WorkMail...
workmail_delete_mailbox_permissionsDeletes permissions granted to a member (user or group)
workmail_delete_mobile_device_access_overrideDeletes the mobile device access override for the given...
workmail_delete_mobile_device_access_ruleDeletes a mobile device access rule for the specified...
workmail_delete_organizationDeletes an WorkMail organization and all underlying AWS...
workmail_delete_resourceDeletes the specified resource
workmail_delete_retention_policyDeletes the specified retention policy from the specified...
workmail_delete_userDeletes a user from WorkMail and all subsequent systems
workmail_deregister_from_work_mailMark a user, group, or resource as no longer used in WorkMail
workmail_deregister_mail_domainRemoves a domain from WorkMail, stops email routing to...
workmail_describe_email_monitoring_configurationDescribes the current email monitoring configuration for a...
workmail_describe_groupReturns the data available for the group
workmail_describe_inbound_dmarc_settingsLists the settings in a DMARC policy for a specified...
workmail_describe_mailbox_export_jobDescribes the current status of a mailbox export job
workmail_describe_organizationProvides more information regarding a given organization...
workmail_describe_resourceReturns the data available for the resource
workmail_describe_userProvides information regarding the user
workmail_disassociate_delegate_from_resourceRemoves a member from the resource's set of delegates
workmail_disassociate_member_from_groupRemoves a member from a group
workmail_get_access_control_effectGets the effects of an organization's access control rules as...
workmail_get_default_retention_policyGets the default retention policy details for the specified...
workmail_get_impersonation_roleGets the impersonation role details for the given WorkMail...
workmail_get_impersonation_role_effectTests whether the given impersonation role can impersonate a...
workmail_get_mailbox_detailsRequests a user's mailbox details for a specified...
workmail_get_mail_domainGets details for a mail domain, including domain records...
workmail_get_mobile_device_access_effectSimulates the effect of the mobile device access rules for...
workmail_get_mobile_device_access_overrideGets the mobile device access override for the given WorkMail...
workmail_list_access_control_rulesLists the access control rules for the specified organization
workmail_list_aliasesCreates a paginated call to list the aliases associated with...
workmail_list_availability_configurationsList all the AvailabilityConfiguration's for the given...
workmail_list_group_membersReturns an overview of the members of a group
workmail_list_groupsReturns summaries of the organization's groups
workmail_list_impersonation_rolesLists all the impersonation roles for the given WorkMail...
workmail_list_mailbox_export_jobsLists the mailbox export jobs started for the specified...
workmail_list_mailbox_permissionsLists the mailbox permissions associated with a user, group,...
workmail_list_mail_domainsLists the mail domains in a given WorkMail organization
workmail_list_mobile_device_access_overridesLists all the mobile device access overrides for any given...
workmail_list_mobile_device_access_rulesLists the mobile device access rules for the specified...
workmail_list_organizationsReturns summaries of the customer's organizations
workmail_list_resource_delegatesLists the delegates associated with a resource
workmail_list_resourcesReturns summaries of the organization's resources
workmail_list_tags_for_resourceLists the tags applied to an WorkMail organization resource
workmail_list_usersReturns summaries of the organization's users
workmailmessageflowAmazon WorkMail Message Flow
workmailmessageflow_get_raw_message_contentRetrieves the raw content of an in-transit email message, in...
workmailmessageflow_put_raw_message_contentUpdates the raw content of an in-transit email message, in...
workmail_put_access_control_ruleAdds a new access control rule for the specified organization
workmail_put_email_monitoring_configurationCreates or updates the email monitoring configuration for a...
workmail_put_inbound_dmarc_settingsEnables or disables a DMARC policy for a given organization
workmail_put_mailbox_permissionsSets permissions for a user, group, or resource
workmail_put_mobile_device_access_overrideCreates or updates a mobile device access override for the...
workmail_put_retention_policyPuts a retention policy to the specified organization
workmail_register_mail_domainRegisters a new domain in WorkMail and SES, and configures it...
workmail_register_to_work_mailRegisters an existing and disabled user, group, or resource...
workmail_reset_passwordAllows the administrator to reset the password for a user
workmail_start_mailbox_export_jobStarts a mailbox export job to export MIME-format email...
workmail_tag_resourceApplies the specified tags to the specified...
workmail_test_availability_configurationPerforms a test on an availability provider to ensure that...
workmail_untag_resourceUntags the specified tags from the specified WorkMail...
workmail_update_availability_configurationUpdates an existing AvailabilityConfiguration for the given...
workmail_update_default_mail_domainUpdates the default mail domain for an organization
workmail_update_impersonation_roleUpdates an impersonation role for the given WorkMail...
workmail_update_mailbox_quotaUpdates a user's current mailbox quota for a specified...
workmail_update_mobile_device_access_ruleUpdates a mobile device access rule for the specified...
workmail_update_primary_email_addressUpdates the primary email for a user, group, or resource
workmail_update_resourceUpdates data for the resource
workspacesAmazon WorkSpaces
workspaces_associate_connection_aliasAssociates the specified connection alias with the specified...
workspaces_associate_ip_groupsAssociates the specified IP access control group with the...
workspaces_authorize_ip_rulesAdds one or more rules to the specified IP access control...
workspaces_copy_workspace_imageCopies the specified image from the specified Region to the...
workspaces_create_connect_client_add_inCreates a client-add-in for Amazon Connect within a directory
workspaces_create_connection_aliasCreates the specified connection alias for use with...
workspaces_create_ip_groupCreates an IP access control group
workspaces_create_standby_workspacesCreates a standby WorkSpace in a secondary Region
workspaces_create_tagsCreates the specified tags for the specified WorkSpaces...
workspaces_create_updated_workspace_imageCreates a new updated WorkSpace image based on the specified...
workspaces_create_workspace_bundleCreates the specified WorkSpace bundle
workspaces_create_workspace_imageCreates a new WorkSpace image from an existing WorkSpace
workspaces_create_workspacesCreates one or more WorkSpaces
workspaces_delete_client_brandingDeletes customized client branding
workspaces_delete_connect_client_add_inDeletes a client-add-in for Amazon Connect that is configured...
workspaces_delete_connection_aliasDeletes the specified connection alias
workspaces_delete_ip_groupDeletes the specified IP access control group
workspaces_delete_tagsDeletes the specified tags from the specified WorkSpaces...
workspaces_delete_workspace_bundleDeletes the specified WorkSpace bundle
workspaces_delete_workspace_imageDeletes the specified image from your account
workspaces_deregister_workspace_directoryDeregisters the specified directory
workspaces_describe_accountRetrieves a list that describes the configuration of Bring...
workspaces_describe_account_modificationsRetrieves a list that describes modifications to the...
workspaces_describe_client_brandingDescribes the specified client branding
workspaces_describe_client_propertiesRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified Amazon...
workspaces_describe_connect_client_add_insRetrieves a list of Amazon Connect client add-ins that have...
workspaces_describe_connection_aliasesRetrieves a list that describes the connection aliases used...
workspaces_describe_connection_alias_permissionsDescribes the permissions that the owner of a connection...
workspaces_describe_ip_groupsDescribes one or more of your IP access control groups
workspaces_describe_tagsDescribes the specified tags for the specified WorkSpaces...
workspaces_describe_workspace_bundlesRetrieves a list that describes the available WorkSpace...
workspaces_describe_workspace_directoriesDescribes the available directories that are registered with...
workspaces_describe_workspace_image_permissionsDescribes the permissions that the owner of an image has...
workspaces_describe_workspace_imagesRetrieves a list that describes one or more specified images,...
workspaces_describe_workspacesDescribes the specified WorkSpaces
workspaces_describe_workspaces_connection_statusDescribes the connection status of the specified WorkSpaces
workspaces_describe_workspace_snapshotsDescribes the snapshots for the specified WorkSpace
workspaces_disassociate_connection_aliasDisassociates a connection alias from a directory
workspaces_disassociate_ip_groupsDisassociates the specified IP access control group from the...
workspaces_import_client_brandingImports client branding
workspaces_import_workspace_imageImports the specified Windows 10 or 11 Bring Your Own License...
workspaces_list_available_management_cidr_rangesRetrieves a list of IP address ranges, specified as IPv4 CIDR...
workspaces_migrate_workspaceMigrates a WorkSpace from one operating system or bundle type...
workspaces_modify_accountModifies the configuration of Bring Your Own License (BYOL)...
workspaces_modify_certificate_based_auth_propertiesModifies the properties of the certificate-based...
workspaces_modify_client_propertiesModifies the properties of the specified Amazon WorkSpaces...
workspaces_modify_saml_propertiesModifies multiple properties related to SAML 2
workspaces_modify_selfservice_permissionsModifies the self-service WorkSpace management capabilities...
workspaces_modify_workspace_access_propertiesSpecifies which devices and operating systems users can use...
workspaces_modify_workspace_creation_propertiesModify the default properties used to create WorkSpaces
workspaces_modify_workspace_propertiesModifies the specified WorkSpace properties
workspaces_modify_workspace_stateSets the state of the specified WorkSpace
workspaces_reboot_workspacesReboots the specified WorkSpaces
workspaces_rebuild_workspacesRebuilds the specified WorkSpace
workspaces_register_workspace_directoryRegisters the specified directory
workspaces_restore_workspaceRestores the specified WorkSpace to its last known healthy...
workspaces_revoke_ip_rulesRemoves one or more rules from the specified IP access...
workspaces_start_workspacesStarts the specified WorkSpaces
workspaces_stop_workspacesStops the specified WorkSpaces
workspaces_terminate_workspacesTerminates the specified WorkSpaces
workspaces_update_connect_client_add_inUpdates a Amazon Connect client add-in
workspaces_update_connection_alias_permissionShares or unshares a connection alias with one account by...
workspaces_update_rules_of_ip_groupReplaces the current rules of the specified IP access control...
workspaces_update_workspace_bundleUpdates a WorkSpace bundle with a new image
workspaces_update_workspace_image_permissionShares or unshares an image with one account in the same...
workspaceswebAmazon WorkSpaces Web
workspacesweb_associate_browser_settingsAssociates a browser settings resource with a web portal
workspacesweb_associate_ip_access_settingsAssociates an IP access settings resource with a web portal
workspacesweb_associate_network_settingsAssociates a network settings resource with a web portal
workspacesweb_associate_trust_storeAssociates a trust store with a web portal
workspacesweb_associate_user_access_logging_settingsAssociates a user access logging settings resource with a web...
workspacesweb_associate_user_settingsAssociates a user settings resource with a web portal
workspacesweb_create_browser_settingsCreates a browser settings resource that can be associated...
workspacesweb_create_identity_providerCreates an identity provider resource that is then associated...
workspacesweb_create_ip_access_settingsCreates an IP access settings resource that can be associated...
workspacesweb_create_network_settingsCreates a network settings resource that can be associated...
workspacesweb_create_portalCreates a web portal
workspacesweb_create_trust_storeCreates a trust store that can be associated with a web...
workspacesweb_create_user_access_logging_settingsCreates a user access logging settings resource that can be...
workspacesweb_create_user_settingsCreates a user settings resource that can be associated with...
workspacesweb_delete_browser_settingsDeletes browser settings
workspacesweb_delete_identity_providerDeletes the identity provider
workspacesweb_delete_ip_access_settingsDeletes IP access settings
workspacesweb_delete_network_settingsDeletes network settings
workspacesweb_delete_portalDeletes a web portal
workspacesweb_delete_trust_storeDeletes the trust store
workspacesweb_delete_user_access_logging_settingsDeletes user access logging settings
workspacesweb_delete_user_settingsDeletes user settings
workspacesweb_disassociate_browser_settingsDisassociates browser settings from a web portal
workspacesweb_disassociate_ip_access_settingsDisassociates IP access settings from a web portal
workspacesweb_disassociate_network_settingsDisassociates network settings from a web portal
workspacesweb_disassociate_trust_storeDisassociates a trust store from a web portal
workspacesweb_disassociate_user_access_logging_settingsDisassociates user access logging settings from a web portal
workspacesweb_disassociate_user_settingsDisassociates user settings from a web portal
workspacesweb_get_browser_settingsGets browser settings
workspacesweb_get_identity_providerGets the identity provider
workspacesweb_get_ip_access_settingsGets the IP access settings
workspacesweb_get_network_settingsGets the network settings
workspacesweb_get_portalGets the web portal
workspacesweb_get_portal_service_provider_metadataGets the service provider metadata
workspacesweb_get_trust_storeGets the trust store
workspacesweb_get_trust_store_certificateGets the trust store certificate
workspacesweb_get_user_access_logging_settingsGets user access logging settings
workspacesweb_get_user_settingsGets user settings
workspacesweb_list_browser_settingsRetrieves a list of browser settings
workspacesweb_list_identity_providersRetrieves a list of identity providers for a specific web...
workspacesweb_list_ip_access_settingsRetrieves a list of IP access settings
workspacesweb_list_network_settingsRetrieves a list of network settings
workspacesweb_list_portalsRetrieves a list or web portals
workspacesweb_list_tags_for_resourceRetrieves a list of tags for a resource
workspacesweb_list_trust_store_certificatesRetrieves a list of trust store certificates
workspacesweb_list_trust_storesRetrieves a list of trust stores
workspacesweb_list_user_access_logging_settingsRetrieves a list of user access logging settings
workspacesweb_list_user_settingsRetrieves a list of user settings
workspacesweb_tag_resourceAdds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified...
workspacesweb_untag_resourceRemoves one or more tags from the specified resource
workspacesweb_update_browser_settingsUpdates browser settings
workspacesweb_update_identity_providerUpdates the identity provider
workspacesweb_update_ip_access_settingsUpdates IP access settings
workspacesweb_update_network_settingsUpdates network settings
workspacesweb_update_portalUpdates a web portal
workspacesweb_update_trust_storeUpdates the trust store
workspacesweb_update_user_access_logging_settingsUpdates the user access logging settings
workspacesweb_update_user_settingsUpdates the user settings
paws.end.user.computing documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 1:17 a.m.