
Defines functions base.mksubmat base.mkgblmat base.tri2zero base.pdsweep base.ddiagtk base.ddiagmk base.dhilbmk base.pdhilbmk base.pdmkcpn1

Documented in base.ddiagmk base.ddiagtk base.dhilbmk base.mkgblmat base.mksubmat base.pdhilbmk base.pdmkcpn1 base.pdsweep base.tri2zero

#' (Un)Distribute
#' (Un)Distribute matrix.
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param x
#' Matrix.
#' @param descx
#' ScaLAPACK descriptor array.
#' @examples
#' spmd.code <- "
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI))
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdBASE))
#'   init.grid()
#'   ### Set data matrix and desc.
#'   x <- matrix(as.double(1:30), nrow = 6, ncol = 5)
#'   dim <- dim(x)
#'   bldim <- c(3L, 3L)
#'   ldim <- base.numroc(dim = dim, bldim = bldim)
#'   descx <- base.descinit(dim = dim, bldim = bldim, ldim = ldim)
#'   ### Redistribute from rank 0.
#'   dx <- base.mksubmat(x, descx)
#'   comm.print(dx, all.rank = TRUE)
#'   finalize()
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks = 2L)
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_MKSUBMAT
#' @rdname lclgblmat
#' @export
base.mksubmat <- function(x, descx)
  ldim <- base.numroc(dim=descx[3L:4L], bldim=descx[5L:6L], ICTXT=descx[2L], fixme=TRUE)
  if (!is.double(x))
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"
  subx <- .Call(R_MKSUBMAT, x, as.integer(ldim), as.integer(descx))

#' @param rsrc,csrc
#' Row/column source.
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_MKGBLMAT
#' @rdname lclgblmat
#' @export
base.mkgblmat <- function(x, descx, rsrc, csrc)
  if (!is.double(x))
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"
  ret <- .Call(R_MKGBLMAT, 
       x, as.integer(descx), as.integer(rsrc), as.integer(csrc))

#' tri2zero
#' Zero Triangle
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param x
#' Matrix.
#' @param descx
#' ScaLAPACK descriptor array.
#' @param uplo
#' Triangle.
#' @param diag
#' Zero diagonal as well.
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_PTRI2ZERO
#' @export
base.tri2zero <- function(x, descx, uplo='L', diag='N')
  uplo <- toupper(uplo)
  diag <- toupper(diag)
  if (!is.double(x))
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"
  ret <- .Call(R_PTRI2ZERO, 
               uplo, diag, x, as.integer(dim(x)), as.integer(descx))

#' pdsweep
#' Matrix-Vector Sweep
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param x
#' Matrix.
#' @param descx
#' ScaLAPACK descriptor array.
#' @param vec
#' Vector
#' @param MARGIN
#' Rows or columns.
#' @param FUN
#' Function.
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_PDSWEEP
#' @export
base.pdsweep <- function(x, descx, vec, MARGIN, FUN)
  if (!is.double(x))
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"
  if (!is.double(vec))
    storage.mode(vec) <- "double"
  ret <- .Call(R_PDSWEEP, 
               x, as.integer(dim(x)), as.integer(descx), vec, as.integer(length(vec)), as.integer(MARGIN), as.character(FUN))

#' diag
#' Grab diagonal or create distributed diagonal matrix.
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param x
#' Matrix.
#' @param descx
#' ScaLAPACK descriptor array.
#' @param proc.dest
#' Who owns the result.
#' @return diagonal elements of matrix or a diagonal matrix
#' @examples
#' spmd.code <- "
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI))
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdBASE))
#'   init.grid()
#'   ### Set data matrix and desc.
#'   x <- matrix(as.double(1:25), nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
#'   dim <- dim(x)
#'   bldim <- c(3L, 3L)
#'   ldim <- base.numroc(dim = dim, bldim = bldim)
#'   descx <- base.descinit(dim = dim, bldim = bldim, ldim = ldim)
#'   ### Get diagonal
#'   diag.x <- base.ddiagtk(x, descx)
#'   comm.print(diag.x)
#'   finalize()
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks = 2L)
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_PDGDGTK
#' @name diag
#' @rdname diag
#' @export
base.ddiagtk <- function(x, descx, proc.dest='all')
  if (!is.double(x))
    storage.mode(x) <- "double"
  if (proc.dest[1L] == 'all')
    rdest <- cdest <- -1
  else {
    if (length(proc.dest)==1){
      src <- base.pcoord(ICTXT=descx[2L], PNUM=proc.dest)
      rsrc <- src[[1L]]
      csrc <- src[[2L]]
  ldiag <- min(descx[3L:4L])
  ret <- .Call(R_PDGDGTK, 
               x, as.integer(dim(x)), as.integer(descx), as.integer(ldiag),
               as.integer(rdest), as.integer(cdest))

#' @param diag
#' Diagonal.
#' @examples
#' spmd.code <- "
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI))
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdBASE))
#'   init.grid()
#'   ### Set data matrix and desc.
#'   x <- matrix(as.double(1:25), nrow = 5, ncol = 5)
#'   dim <- dim(x)
#'   bldim <- c(3L, 3L)
#'   ldim <- base.numroc(dim = dim, bldim = bldim)
#'   descx <- base.descinit(dim = dim, bldim = bldim, ldim = ldim)
#'   ### Set diagonal
#'   diag.x <- base.ddiagtk(x, descx)
#'   new.x <- base.ddiagmk(diag.x, descx)
#'   comm.print(new.x, all.rank = TRUE)
#'   finalize()
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks = 2L)
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_PDDIAGMK
#' @rdname diag
#' @export
base.ddiagmk <- function(diag, descx)
  ldim <- base.numroc(dim=descx[3L:4L], bldim=descx[5L:6L], ICTXT=descx[2L])
  if (!is.double(diag))
    storage.mode(diag) <- "double"
  out <- .Call(R_PDDIAGMK, 
               as.integer(ldim), as.integer(descx), diag, as.integer(length(diag)))

#' dhilbmk
#' Create Hilbert matrix.
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param n
#' Size.
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_DHILBMK
#' @export
base.dhilbmk <- function(n)
  n <- as.integer(n)
  ret <- .Call(R_DHILBMK, n)

#' pdhilbmk
#' Create Hilbert matrix.
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param descx
#' ScaLAPACK descriptor matrix.
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_PDHILBMK
#' @export
base.pdhilbmk <- function(descx)
  descx <- as.integer(descx)
  ldim <- as.integer(base.numroc(dim=descx[3L:4L], bldim=descx[5L:6L], ICTXT=descx[2L], fixme=TRUE))
  ret <- .Call(R_PDHILBMK, ldim, descx)

#' pdmkcpn1
#' Create Companion Matrix
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param coef
#' Coefficients vector.
#' @param descx
#' ScaLAPACK descriptor array.
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_PDMKCPN1
#' @export
base.pdmkcpn1 <- function(coef, descx)
  ldim <- base.numroc(dim=descx[3L:4L], bldim=descx[5L:6L], ICTXT=descx[2L])
  if (!is.double(coef))
    storage.mode(coef) <- "double"
  out <- .Call(R_PDMKCPN1, as.integer(ldim), as.integer(descx), coef)

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pbdBASE documentation built on March 26, 2020, 9:37 p.m.