Man pages for pcFactorStan
Stan Models for the Paired Comparison Factor Model

calibrateItemsDetermine the optimal scale constant for a set of items
cmp_probsItem response function for pairwise comparisons
filterGraphFilter graph to remove vertices that are not well connected
findModelGiven a model name, return stanmodel object
generateCovItemsGenerate paired comparison data with random correlations...
generateFactorItemsGenerate paired comparison data for a factor model
generateItemGenerate paired comparison data for one or more items given...
generateSingleFactorItemsGenerate paired comparison data with a common factor that...
itemModelExplorerA Shiny app to experiment with the item response model
normalizeDataNormalize data according to a canonical order
outlierTableList observations with Pareto values larger than a given...
parDistributionCustomProduce data suitable for plotting parameter distributions
parIntervalProduce data suitable for plotting parameter estimates
pcFactorStan-packageStan Models for the Pairwise Comparison Factor Model
pcStanFit a paired comparison Stan model
phyActFlowPropensityPhysical activity flow propensity
prepCleanDataTransforms data into a form tailored for efficient evaluation...
prepDataTransforms data into a form tailored for efficient evaluation...
prepFactorModelSpecify a factor model
prepSingleFactorModelSpecify a single factor model
responseCurveProduce data suitable for plotting item response curves
roundRobinGraphCreate an edge list with round-robin connectivity
toLooCompute approximate leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation for...
twoLevelGraphCreate an edge list with a random two level connectivity
unfactorTurn a factor back into a vector of integers
withoutIndexRemove the array indexing from a parameter name
pcFactorStan documentation built on Sept. 14, 2023, 1:09 a.m.