Summarize pdqr-functions with `summ_*()`

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Concept of summary functions is to take one or more pdqr-function(s) and return a summary value (which shouldn't necessarily be a number). Argument method is used to choose function-specific algorithm of computation.

Note that some summary functions can accumulate pdqr approximation error (like summ_moment() for example). For better precision increase number intervals for piecewise-linear density using either n argument for density() in new_*() or n_grid argument in as_*().

We will use the following distributions throughout this vignette:

my_beta <- as_d(dbeta, shape1 = 2, shape2 = 5)
my_norm <- as_d(dnorm, mean = 0.5)
my_beta_mix <- form_mix(list(my_beta, my_beta + 1))

Although they both are continuous, discrete distributions are also fully supported.

Basic numerical summary


# Usage of `summ_center()`
summ_center(my_beta, method = "mean")
summ_center(my_beta, method = "median")
summ_center(my_beta, method = "mode")

# Usage of wrappers

# `summ_mode()` can compute local modes instead of default global
summ_mode(my_beta_mix, method = "local")


# Usage of `summ_spread()`
summ_spread(my_beta, method = "sd")
summ_spread(my_beta, method = "var")
summ_spread(my_beta, method = "iqr")
summ_spread(my_beta, method = "mad")
summ_spread(my_beta, method = "range")

# Usage of wrappers


summ_moment() has extra arguments for controlling the nature of moment (which can be combined):

summ_moment(my_beta, order = 3)
summ_moment(my_beta, order = 3, central = TRUE)
summ_moment(my_beta, order = 3, standard = TRUE)
summ_moment(my_beta, order = 3, absolute = TRUE)

There are wrappers for most common moments: skewness and kurtosis:


# This by default computes excess kurtosis

  # Use `excess = FALSE` to compute non-excess kurtotsis
summ_kurtosis(my_beta, excess = FALSE)


summ_quantile(f, probs) is essentially a more strict version of as_q(f)(probs):

summ_quantile(my_beta, probs = seq(0, 1, by = 0.25))


summ_entropy() computes differential entropy (which can be negative) for "continuous" type pdqr-functions, and information entropy for "discrete":

summ_entropy(new_d(1:10, type = "discrete"))

summ_entropy2() computes entropy based summary of relation between a pair of distributions. There are two methods: default "relative" (for relative entropy which is Kullback-Leibler divergence) and "cross" (for cross-entropy). It handles different supports by using clip (default exp(-20)) value instead of 0 during log() computation. Order of input does matter: summ_entropy2() uses support of the first pdqr-function as integration/summation reference.

summ_entropy2(my_beta, my_norm)
summ_entropy2(my_norm, my_beta)
summ_entropy2(my_norm, my_beta, clip = exp(-10))
summ_entropy2(my_beta, my_norm, method = "cross")


Distributions can be summarized with regions: union of closed intervals. Region is represented as data frame with rows representing intervals and two columns "left" and "right" with left and right interval edges respectively.

Single interval

summ_interval() summarizes input pdqr-function with single interval based on the desired coverage level supplied in argument level. It has three methods:

summ_interval(my_beta, level = 0.9, method = "minwidth")
summ_interval(my_beta, level = 0.9, method = "percentile")
summ_interval(my_beta, level = 0.9, method = "sigma")

Highest density region

summ_hdr() computes highest density region (HDR) of a distribution: set of intervals with the lowest total width among all sets with total probability not less than an input level. With unimodal distribution it is essentially the same as summ_interval() with "minwidth" method.

# Unimodal distribution
summ_hdr(my_beta, level = 0.9)

# Multimodal distribution
summ_hdr(my_beta_mix, level = 0.9)

  # Compare this to single interval of minimum width
summ_interval(my_beta_mix, level = 0.9, method = "minwidth")

Work with region

There is a region_*() family of functions which helps working with them:

beta_mix_hdr <- summ_hdr(my_beta_mix, level = 0.9)
beta_mix_interval <- summ_interval(my_beta_mix, level = 0.9)

# Test if points are inside region
region_is_in(beta_mix_hdr, x = seq(0, 2, by = 0.5))

# Compute total probability of a region
region_prob(beta_mix_hdr, f = my_beta_mix)

  # Pdqr-function doesn't need to be the same as used for computing region
region_prob(beta_mix_hdr, f = my_norm)

# Compute height of region: minimum value of d-function inside region
region_height(beta_mix_hdr, f = my_beta_mix)

# Compute width of region: sum of interval widths

  # Compare widths with single interval

# Draw region on existing plot
plot(my_beta_mix, main = "90% highest density region")


Function summ_distance() takes two pdqr-functions and returns a distance between two distributions they represent. Many methods of computation are available. This might be useful for doing comparison statistical inference.

# Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance
summ_distance(my_beta, my_norm, method = "KS")

# Total variation distance
summ_distance(my_beta, my_norm, method = "totvar")

# Probability of one distribution being bigger than other, normalized to [0;1]
summ_distance(my_beta, my_norm, method = "compare")

# Wassertein distance: "average path density point should travel while
# transforming from one into another"
summ_distance(my_beta, my_norm, method = "wass")

# Cramer distance: integral of squared difference of p-functions
summ_distance(my_beta, my_norm, method = "cramer")

# "Align" distance: path length for which one of distribution should be "moved"
# towards the other so that they become "aligned" (probability of one being
# greater than the other is 0.5)
summ_distance(my_beta, my_norm, method = "align")

# "Entropy" distance: `KL(f, g) + KL(g, f)`, where `KL()` is Kullback-Leibler
# divergence. Usually should be used for distributions with same support, but
# works even if they are different (with big numerical penalty).
summ_distance(my_beta, my_norm, method = "entropy")

Separation and classification


Function summ_separation() computes a threshold that optimally separates distributions represented by pair of input pdqr-functions. In other words, summ_separation() solves a binary classification problem with one-dimensional linear classifier: values not more than some threshold are classified as one class, and more than threshold - as another. Order of input functions doesn't matter.

summ_separation(my_beta, my_norm, method = "KS")
summ_separation(my_beta, my_norm, method = "F1")

Classification metrics

Functions summ_classmetric() and summ_classmetric_df() compute metric(s) of classification setup, similar to one used in summ_separation(). Here classifier threshold should be supplied and order of input matters. Classification is assumed to be done as follows: any x value not more than threshold value is classified as "negative"; if more - "positive". Classification metrics are computed based on two pdqr-functions: f, which represents the distribution of values which should be classified as "negative" ("true negative"), and g - the same for "positive" ("true positive").

# Many threshold values can be supplied
thres_vec <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.2)
summ_classmetric(f = my_beta, g = my_norm, threshold = thres_vec, method = "F1")

# In `summ_classmetric_df()` many methods can be supplied
  f = my_beta, g = my_norm, threshold = thres_vec, method = c("GM", "F1", "MCC")

With summ_roc() and summ_rocauc() one can compute data frame of ROC curve points and ROC AUC value respectively. There is also a roc_plot() function for predefined plotting of ROC curve.

my_roc <- summ_roc(my_beta, my_norm)
summ_rocauc(my_beta, my_norm)


'pdqr' has functions that can order set of distributions. They are summ_order(), summ_sort(), and summ_rank(), which are analogues of order(), sort(), and rank() respectively. They take a list of pdqr-functions as input, establish their ordering based on specified method, and return the desired output.

There are two sets of methods:

# Here the only clear "correct" ordering is that `a <= b`.
f_list <- list(a = my_beta, b = my_beta + 1, c = my_norm)

# Returns an integer vector representing a permutation which rearranges f_list
# in desired order
summ_order(f_list, method = "compare")

  # In this particular case of `f_list` all orderings agree with each other, but
  # generally this is not the case: for any pair of methods there is a case
  # when they disagree with each other
summ_order(f_list, method = "mean")
summ_order(f_list, method = "median")
summ_order(f_list, method = "mode")

  # Use `decreasing = TRUE` to sort decreasingly
summ_order(f_list, method = "compare", decreasing = TRUE)

# Sort list
summ_sort(f_list, decreasing = TRUE)

# Rank elements: 1 indicates "the smallest", `length(f_list)` - "the biggest"


Functions summ_prob_true() and summ_prob_false() should be used to extract probabilities from boolean pdqr-functions: outputs of comparing basic operators (like >=, ==, etc.):

summ_prob_true(my_beta >= my_norm)
summ_prob_false(my_beta >= 2*my_norm)

summ_pval() computes p-value(s) of observed statistic(s) based on the distribution. You can compute left, right, or two-sided p-values with methods "left", "right", and "both" respectively. By default multiple input values are adjusted for multiple comparisons (using stats::p.adjust()):

# By default two-sided p-value is computed
summ_pval(my_beta, obs = 0.7)
summ_pval(my_beta, obs = 0.7, method = "left")
summ_pval(my_beta, obs = 0.7, method = "right")

# Multiple values are adjusted with `p.adjust()` with "holm" method by default
obs_vec <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
summ_pval(my_beta, obs = obs_vec)

  # Use `adjust = "none"` to not adjust
summ_pval(my_beta, obs = obs_vec, adjust = "none")

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pdqr documentation built on May 31, 2023, 8:48 p.m.