
Defines functions db_remove db_get_data db_append print_progress specify_decimal msg perspective_api_key

Documented in db_append db_get_data db_remove msg perspective_api_key print_progress specify_decimal

#' Check if API key is present
#' @param test necessary when in a test environment. Defaults to `FALSE`.
perspective_api_key <- function(test = F) {
  if (test) {
    key <- Sys.getenv("perspective_api_key_test")
  } else if (!test) {
    key <- Sys.getenv("perspective_api_key")
  if (key == "") {
    stop("perspective_api_key environment variable is empty. See ?peRspective for help.")

#' Send a fancy message
#' Print a beautiful message in the console
#' @param type what message should be displayed in the beginning
#' @param type_style crayon color or style
#' @param msg what message should be printed
#' @examples 
#' ## Send a message to the world
#' msg("MESSAGE", crayon::make_style('blue4'), "This is a message to the world")
#' @export
msg <- function(type, type_style = crayon::make_style('red4'), msg) {
  cat(stringr::str_glue("{type_style(type)} [{crayon::italic(Sys.time())}]: {crayon::make_style('gray90')(msg)}"))

# crayon::make_style('red4')("hell")

# msg("WHAT", msg = "hatsap")

#' Specify a decimal
#' @param x a number to be rounded
#' @param k round to which position after the comma
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## specify 2 decimals of a number
#' specify_decimal(1.0434, 2)
specify_decimal <- function(x, k) trimws(format(round(x, k), nsmall=k))

#' Print progress in purrr::imap environment
#' Provide iterator number and total length of items to be iterated over
#' @md
#' @param x iterator number.
#' @param total length of items to be iterated over.
#' @param print_prct only print percentage progress (defaults to `FALSE`).
#' @return a `chr`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## Print progress (1 out of 100)
#' print_progress(1, 100)
#' ## Only print percentage
#' print_progress(1, 100, print_prct = TRUE)
print_progress <- function(x, total, print_prct = F) {
  iterator <- x %>% as.numeric()
  perc <- specify_decimal((iterator/total)*100, 2)
  if (print_prct) {
  progress_text <- stringr::str_glue("{iterator} out of {total} ({perc}%)\n\n")

#' SQL Database Append
#' This is a helper function that will write a dataframe to a SQL database
#' @param path path to SQL database
#' @param tbl name of the table in SQL database
#' @param data the object dataframe that goes into the SQL database
#' @export
db_append <- function(path, tbl, data) {
  con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), path)
  if(!is.null(DBI::dbListTables(con))) {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(con, tbl, data, append = T)
  } else {
    DBI::dbWriteTable(con, tbl, data)

#' SQL Database Retrieve
#' This is a helper function that will retreive a dataframe to a SQL database
#' @param tbl_dat which table from the SQL database do you want to retrieve
#' @param path path to database
#' @export
db_get_data <- function(tbl_dat, path = "sql_data/omdata.db") {
  # con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), "../om_metrics_report/sql_data/omdata.db")
  con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), path)
  out <- con %>%
    dplyr::tbl(tbl_dat) %>%

#' SQL Database Remove
#' This is a helper function that will remove a dataframe from a SQL database
#' @param path path to database
#' @param datasets which table from the SQL database do you want to remove
#' @param remove_cleaned_data boolean remove all datasets that are created through the cleaning script
#' @export
db_remove <- function(path, datasets = NULL, remove_cleaned_data = T) {
  # path <- "sql_data/omdata.db"
  con <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), path)
  if (remove_cleaned_data) {
    remove_em <- DBI::dbListTables(con) %>% purrr::discard(~stringr::str_detect(.x, "dat\\."))
    datasets <- remove_em
  datasets %>%
    purrr::map(~DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, name = .x))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

peRspective documentation built on July 14, 2021, 9:06 a.m.