Man pages for penRvine
Flexible R-Vines Estimation Using Bivariate Penalized Splines

bernsteinFlexible Pair-Copula Estimation in D-vines with Penalized...
cal.vineFlexible Pair-Copula Estimation in R-vines with Penalized...
cond.copFlexible Pair-Copula Estimation in R-vines with Penalized...
Derv1Calculating the first derivative of the paircopula likelihood...
Derv2Calculating the second order derivative of the paircopula...
f.hat.valCalculating the actual fitted values 'f.hat.val' of the...
independ.testTesting for independence between two margins of pair-copulas
lam.searchSearch optimal starting vlaue for lambda
marg.likelihoodCalculating the marginal likelihood
my.ICCalculating the AIC-, cAIC- and BIC-value
my.loopIterative loop for calculating the optimal coefficients 'v'.
new.weightsCalculating new weights v.
order.vineOrdering the first level of the R-vine.
paircopulaFlexible Pair-Copula Estimation in R-vines using Bivariate...
pen.log.likeCalculating the log likelihood
pen.matrixCalculating the penalty matrix P
penRvine-packageFlexible R-vines Estimation Using Bivariate Penalized Splines
plot.paircopulaFlexible Pair-Copula Estimation in D-vines with Penalized...
RVineMatrixNotation of the R-vine Matrix
vineFlexible Pair-Copula Estimation in vines with Penalized...
penRvine documentation built on May 30, 2017, 2:20 a.m.