perccal-package: Computing Confidence Intervals Via Double Bootstrap...

Description Details Author(s) References


Contains functions which allow the user to compute confidence intervals quickly using the double bootstrap-based percentile calibrated ('perc-cal') method for linear regression coefficients.


Package: perccal
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2016-06-14
License: GPL-3

Contains functions which allow users to compute confidence intervals quickly using the double bootstrap-based percentile calibrated ('perc-cal') method for linear regression coefficients.

The help of Justin Bleich is strongly acknowledged.


Daniel McCarthy

Maintainer: Daniel McCarthy <>


Efron, Bradley; Tibshirani, Robert J. “An Introduction to the Bootstrap” 1994. Book. Publisher: CRC Press.

McCarthy, Daniel; Zhang, Kai; Berk, Richard; Brown, Lawrence; Buja, Andreas; George, Edward; Zhao, Linda. “Calibrated Percentile Double Bootstrap For Robust Linear Regression Inference” 2016. Available on arXiv:

perccal documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:06 p.m.