Prepare Data"

  echo = TRUE # print code


This is a starter file for your "Prepare Data" script. This script should update the data file(s) by re-exporting, merging, re-running calculations, etc. This script should be separate from the "Computational Notebook" file that is used for running analyses on the data. Every time you run the "Computational Notebook" file with the exact same data, you should get the exact same findings (i.e., reproducibility). Thus, we keep the "Prepare Data script" separate from the "Computational Notebook" file so that you update the data only when you intend to.

This document is an R Markdown Notebook, which is an example of a computational notebook. Best practices for using Markdown are in the Lab Wiki here: Steps for working with computational notebooks are located in the Lab Wiki here:


Install Libraries


Load Libraries

library("petersenlab") #located here:


Set Lab Drive Path

petersenLabPath <- setLabPath()

Update Data

Re-export Data

Import Data

Pre-Merging Preparation


Drop Variables

Subset Data

Merge Data

Prepare Data


Fill in missing values for SES and demographic variables from other time points

Create Factors

Subset to consented participants

Create Mplus Data

Specify Variables

Save Data

OSF Data

Specify Variables to Keep

Subset Variables

Generate Random Anonymized ID

Generate anonymized ID so that participants cannot be stitched together across papers.

Create Factors

Re-sort Data by Random Anonymized ID

Mix up the order of participants in the data file so they are not in the same order for every paper.

Save Data

Session Info


Rstudio Version


Try the petersenlab package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

petersenlab documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:34 a.m.