
#' Dataset adce_vaccine
#' adce_vaccine dataset
#' @name adce_vaccine
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 56 columns:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{ STUDYID }{Study Identifier}
#'     \item{ DOMAIN }{Domain Abbreviation}
#'     \item{ USUBJID }{Unique Subject Identifier}
#'     \item{ CESEQ }{Sequence Number}
#'     \item{ CELNKID }{Link ID}
#'     \item{ CELNKGRP }{Link Group ID}
#'     \item{ CETERM }{Reported Term for the Clinical Event}
#'     \item{ CEDECOD }{Dictionary-Derived Term}
#'     \item{ CELAT }{Laterality}
#'     \item{ CELOC }{Location of Event}
#'     \item{ CECAT }{Category for the Clinical Event}
#'     \item{ CESCAT }{Subcategory for the Clinical Event}
#'     \item{ CEPRESP }{Clinical Event Pre-specified}
#'     \item{ CEOCCUR }{Clinical Event Occurrence}
#'     \item{ CESEV }{Severity/Intensity}
#'     \item{ CEREL }{Causality}
#'     \item{ CEOUT }{Outcome of Event}
#'     \item{ EPOCH }{Epoch}
#'     \item{ CEDTC }{Date/Time of Event Collection}
#'     \item{ CESTDTC }{Start Date/Time of Clinical Event}
#'     \item{ CEENDTC }{End Date/Time of Clinical Event}
#'     \item{ CEDUR }{Duration of Clinical Event}
#'     \item{ CETPT }{Planned Time Point Name}
#'     \item{ CETPTNUM }{Planned Time Point Number}
#'     \item{ CETPTREF }{Time Point Reference}
#'     \item{ CERFTDTC }{Date/Time of Reference Time Point}
#'     \item{ CEEVINTX }{Evaluation Interval Text}
#'     \item{ CESTAT }{Completion Status}
#'     \item{ CEREASND }{Reason Clinical Event Not Collected}
#'     \item{ TRTSDT }{Date of First Exposure to Treatment}
#'     \item{ TRTEDT }{Date of Last Exposure to Treatment}
#'     \item{ ASTDT }{Analysis Start Date}
#'     \item{ AENDT }{Analysis End Date}
#'     \item{ ASTDY }{Analysis Start Relative Day}
#'     \item{ AENDY }{Analysis End Relative Day}
#'     \item{ APERIOD }{Period}
#'     \item{ APERSDT }{Period Start Date}
#'     \item{ APEREDT }{Period End Date}
#'     \item{ APERSTDY }{Analysis Sub-period Start Relative Day}
#'     \item{ AREL }{Analysis Causality}
#'     \item{ ASEV }{Analysis Severity/Intensity}
#'     \item{ ASEVN }{Analysis Severity/Intensity (N)}
#'     \item{ AOCC01FL }{Event Occurrence Flag}
#'     \item{ ASEQ }{Analysis Sequence Number}
#'     \item{ ADURN }{Analysis Duration (N)}
#'     \item{ ADURU }{Analysis Duration Units}
#'     \item{ TRT01A }{Actual Treatment for Period 01}
#'     \item{ TRT01P }{Planned Treatment for Period 01}
#'     \item{ AGE }{Age}
#'     \item{ AGEU }{Age Units}
#'     \item{ SEX }{Sex}
#'     \item{ RACE }{Race}
#'     \item{ COUNTRY }{Country}
#'     \item{ ETHNIC }{Ethnicity}
#'     \item{ SITEID }{Study Site Identifier}
#'     \item{ SUBJID }{Subject Identifier for the Study}
#'   }
#' @source Generated from admiralvaccine package (template ad_adce.R).
#' @references None
#' @examples
#' data("adce_vaccine")

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