
#' Dataset adis_vaccine
#' adis_vaccine dataset
#' @name adis_vaccine
#' @docType data
#' @format A data frame with 102 columns:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{ STUDYID }{Study Identifier}
#'     \item{ DOMAIN }{Domain Abbreviation}
#'     \item{ USUBJID }{Unique Subject Identifier}
#'     \item{ ISSEQ }{Sequence Number}
#'     \item{ ISTESTCD }{Immunogenicity Test/Exam Short Name}
#'     \item{ ISTEST }{Immunogenicity Test or Examination Name}
#'     \item{ ISCAT }{Category for Immunogenicity Test}
#'     \item{ ISORRES }{Results or Findings in Original Units}
#'     \item{ ISORRESU }{Original Units}
#'     \item{ ISSTRESC }{Character Result/Finding in Std Format}
#'     \item{ ISSTRESN }{Numeric Results/Findings in Std. Units}
#'     \item{ ISSTRESU }{Standard Units}
#'     \item{ ISSTAT }{Completion Status}
#'     \item{ ISREASND }{Reason Not Done}
#'     \item{ ISNAM }{Vendor Name}
#'     \item{ ISSPEC }{Specimen Type}
#'     \item{ ISMETHOD }{Method of Test or Examination}
#'     \item{ ISBLFL }{Baseline Flag}
#'     \item{ ISLLOQ }{Lower Limit of Quantitation}
#'     \item{ VISITNUM }{Visit Number}
#'     \item{ EPOCH }{Epoch}
#'     \item{ ISDTC }{Date/Time of Collection}
#'     \item{ ISDY }{Study Day of Visit/Collection/Exam}
#'     \item{ ISULOQ }{Upper Limit of Quantitation}
#'     \item{ LOD }{Limit of Detection}
#'     \item{ AVISITN }{Analysis Visit (N)}
#'     \item{ AVISIT }{Analysis Visit}
#'     \item{ ATPTN }{Analysis Timepoint (N)}
#'     \item{ ATPT }{Analysis Timepoint}
#'     \item{ ATPTREF }{Analysis Timepoint Reference}
#'     \item{ ADT }{Analysis Date}
#'     \item{ RFSTDTC }{Subject Reference Start Date/Time}
#'     \item{ PPROTFL }{Per-Protocol Population Flag}
#'     \item{ ADY }{Analysis Relative Day}
#'     \item{ PARAMCD }{Parameter Code}
#'     \item{ PARAM }{Parameter}
#'     \item{ PARAMN }{Parameter (N)}
#'     \item{ PARCAT1 }{Parameter Category 1}
#'     \item{ CUTOFF02 }{First Cutoff Value}
#'     \item{ CUTOFF03 }{Second Cutoff Value}
#'     \item{ AVAL }{Analysis Value}
#'     \item{ AVALU }{Analysis Value Unit}
#'     \item{ SERCAT1 }{Pre-vaccination seropositivity status}
#'     \item{ SERCAT1N }{Pre-vaccination sero status (n)}
#'     \item{ DTYPE }{Derivation Type}
#'     \item{ BASETYPE }{Baseline Type}
#'     \item{ BASE }{Baseline Value}
#'     \item{ ABLFL }{Baseline Record Flag}
#'     \item{ BASECAT1 }{Baseline Category 1}
#'     \item{ CHG }{Change from Baseline}
#'     \item{ R2BASE }{Ratio to Baseline}
#'     \item{ CRIT1FL }{Criterion 1 Evaluation Result Flag}
#'     \item{ CRIT1FN }{Criterion 1 Evaluation Result Flag (N)}
#'     \item{ CRIT1 }{Analysis Criterion 1}
#'     \item{ APERIOD }{Period}
#'     \item{ APERSDT }{Period Start Date}
#'     \item{ APEREDT }{Period End Date}
#'     \item{ TRTA }{Actual Treatment}
#'     \item{ TRTP }{Planned Treatment}
#'     \item{ PPSRFL }{Per-Protocol Record-Level Flag}
#'     \item{ SUBJID }{Subject Identifier for the Study}
#'     \item{ RFENDTC }{Subject Reference End Date/Time}
#'     \item{ RFXSTDTC }{Date/Time of First Study Treatment}
#'     \item{ RFXENDTC }{Date/Time of Last Study Treatment}
#'     \item{ RFICDTC }{Date/Time of Informed Consent}
#'     \item{ RFPENDTC }{Date/Time of End of Participation}
#'     \item{ DTHDTC }{Date/Time of Death}
#'     \item{ DTHFL }{Subject Death Flag}
#'     \item{ SITEID }{Study Site Identifier}
#'     \item{ INVID }{Investigator Identifier}
#'     \item{ INVNAM }{Investigator Name}
#'     \item{ BRTHDTC }{Date/Time of Birth}
#'     \item{ AGE }{Age}
#'     \item{ AGEU }{Age Units}
#'     \item{ SEX }{Sex}
#'     \item{ RACE }{Race}
#'     \item{ ETHNIC }{Ethnicity}
#'     \item{ ARMCD }{Planned Arm Code}
#'     \item{ ARM }{Description of Planned Arm}
#'     \item{ ACTARMCD }{Actual Arm Code}
#'     \item{ ACTARM }{Description of Actual Arm}
#'     \item{ COUNTRY }{Country}
#'     \item{ DMDTC }{Date/Time of Collection}
#'     \item{ DMDY }{Study Day of Collection}
#'     \item{ TRT01P }{Planned Treatment for Period 01}
#'     \item{ TRT02P }{Planned Treatment for Period 02}
#'     \item{ TRT01A }{Actual Treatment for Period 01}
#'     \item{ TRT02A }{Actual Treatment for Period 02}
#'     \item{ TRTSDTM }{Datetime of First Exposure to Treatment}
#'     \item{ TRTEDTM }{Datetime of Last Exposure to Treatment}
#'     \item{ TRTSDT }{Date of First Exposure to Treatment}
#'     \item{ TRTEDT }{Date of Last Exposure to Treatment}
#'     \item{ SAFFL }{Safety Population Flag}
#'     \item{ RACEGR1 }{Pooled Race Group 1}
#'     \item{ AGEGR1 }{Pooled Age Group 1}
#'     \item{ REGION1 }{Geographic Region 1}
#'     \item{ VAX01DT }{Vaccination Date 01}
#'     \item{ VAX02DT }{Vaccination Date 02}
#'     \item{ AP01SDT }{Period 01 Start Date}
#'     \item{ AP01EDT }{Period 01 End Date}
#'     \item{ AP02SDT }{Period 02 Start Date}
#'     \item{ AP02EDT }{Period 02 End Date}
#'   }
#' @source Generated from admiralvaccine package (template ad_adis.R).
#' @references None
#' @examples
#' data("adis_vaccine")

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