Man pages for phm
Phrase Mining

as.matrix.phraseDocConvert a phraseDoc Object to a Matrix
bestDocsFind Informative Documents in a Corpus
canberraCalculate Canberra Distance
DFSourceCreate a DFSource object from a data frame
distMatrixCalculate a Distance Matrix
freqPhrasesDisplay Frequent Principal Phrases
getDocsDisplay Frequency Matrix for Phrases
getElem.DFSourceObtain the current row of the content of a DFSource
getPhrasesDisplay Frequency Matrix for Documents
getPubMedCreate a data table from a text file in PubMed format
phm-packagePhrase Mining
phraseDocphraseDoc Creation
print.phraseDocPrint a phraseDoc Object
print.textClusterPrint a textCluster Object
readDFCreate a PlainTextDocument from a row in a data frame
removePhrasesRemove Phrases from phraseDoc Object
showClusterShow Cluster Contents
stopEndWordsWords that Principal Phrases do not End with
stopPhrasesPhrases that are not Principal Phrases
stopStartWordsWords that Principal Phrases do not Start with
textClusterCluster a Term-Document Matrix
textDistCalculate Text Distance
textDistMatrixCalculate a Text Distance Matrix
phm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:22 a.m.