Man pages for phonfieldwork
Linguistic Phonetic Fieldwork Tools

add_leading_symbolsCreate indices padded with zeros
annotate_textgridAnnotate textgrid
audacity_to_dfAudacity's labels to dataframe
concatenate_soundfilesConcatenate sounds
concatenate_textgridsConcatenate sounds
create_empty_textgridCreate an empty TextGrid
create_glossed_documentCreate a glossed document
create_image_look_upCreate image look_up objects for html viewer
create_presentationCreates a presentation
create_sound_playCreate audio play objects for html viewer
create_subannotationCreate boundaries in a texgrid tier
create_viewerCreate an annotation viewer
df_to_eafDataframe to .eaf
df_to_exbDataframe to EXMARaLDA's .exb
df_to_tierDataframe to TextGrid's tier
draw_soundDraw Oscilogram, Spectrogram and annotation
draw_spectrogramDraw spectrograms
eaf_to_dfELAN's .eaf file to dataframe
exb_to_dfEXMARaLDA's .exb file to dataframe
extract_intervalsExtract intervals
flextext_to_dfFLEX's .flextext file to dataframe
formant_to_dfPraat Formant object to dataframe
get_sound_durationGet file(s) duration
get_textgrid_namesExtract TextGrid names
intensity_to_dfPraat Intensity tier to dataframe
pitch_to_dfPraat Pitch tier to dataframe
read_from_folderRead multiple files from the folder
remove_textgrid_tierRemove tier from texgrid
rename_soundfilesRename soundfiles
set_textgrid_namesRewrite TextGrid names
srt_to_dfSubtitles .srt file to dataframe
textgrid_to_dfTextGrid to dataframe
tier_to_dfTextGrid's tier to dataframe
phonfieldwork documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:19 p.m.