Man pages for photobiologyWavebands
Waveband Definitions for UV, VIS, and IR Radiation

BlueConstructor of blue waveband
CH4Constructor of CH4 production from pectin weighted waveband
CH4_e_funGives values for the CH4 production from pectin BSWF as a...
CH4_q_funGives values for the CH4 production from pectin BSWF as a...
CIE1924_lef.spctCIE1924 luminous efficiency function (photopic human vision)
CIE1951_scotopic_lef.spctLuminous efficiency function (scotopic human vision)
CIE2008_lef2deg.spctCIE2008 luminous efficiency function (2-deg) (photopic human...
CIE_e_funGives values for the erythemal BSWF as a function of...
CIE_q_funGives values for the erythemal BSWF as a function of...
DNA_GMConstructor of DNA damage (SETLOW) weighted waveband
DNA.GMConstructor of DNA damage (SETLOW) weighted waveband
DNA_GM_q_funGives values for naked DNA BSWF (SETLOW) as a function of...
DNA_NConstructor of DNA damage (SETLOW) weighted waveband
DNA.NConstructor of DNA damage (SETLOW) weighted waveband
DNA_N_q_funGives values for naked DNA BSWF (SETLOW) as a function of...
DNA_PConstructor of DNA damage (Quaite) weighted waveband
DNA.PConstructor of DNA damage (Quaite) weighted waveband
DNA_P_q_funGives values for plant DNA BSWF (Quaite) as a function of...
erythemaConstructor of erythema-weighted waveband
Far_redConstructor of far-red waveband
FLAVConstructor of FLAV BSWF flavonoids
FLAV_q_funGives values for FLAV BSWF (flavonoid) as a function of...
GEN_GConstructor of GPAS (Green's formulation) weighted waveband
GEN.GConstructor of GPAS (Green) weighted waveband
GEN_G_q_funGives values for GPAS BSWF (Green's formulation) as a...
GEN_MConstructor of GPAS (Micheletti's formulation) weighted...
GEN.MConstructor of GPAS (Micheletti) weighted waveband
GEN_M_q_funGives values for GPAS BSWF (Micheletti's formulation) as a...
GEN_TConstructor of GPAS (Thimijan's formulation) weighted...
GEN.TConstructor of GPAS (Timijan) weighted waveband
GEN_T_q_funGives values for GPAS BSWF (Timijan's formulation) as a...
GreenConstructor of green waveband
ICNIRP_e_funICNIRP UV health hazard BSWF as a function of wavelength
IRConstructors of infra-red wavebands
IR_bandsConstructor of lists of infrared wavebands
Landsat_bandsConstructor of lists of wavebands matching Landsat imagers
NDVINormalized Vegetation Index
OrangeConstructor of orange waveband
PARConstructors of PAR and PhR wavebands
PGConstructor of PG weighted waveband
PG_q_funGives values for the Plant Growth BSWF as a function of...
photobiologyWavebands-packagephotobiologyWavebands: Waveband Definitions for UV, VIS, and...
photopic_sensitivityPhotopic sensitivity of the human eye
Plant_bandsConstructor of lists of wavebands used in plant biology
PurpleConstructor of purple waveband
RedConstructor of red waveband
scotopic_sensitivityScotopic sensitivity of the human eye
SetlowTUV.spctSetlow's action spectrum for DNA damage
UVConstructor of ultraviolet waveband
UVAConstructor of ultraviolet-A waveband
UVBConstructor of ultraviolet-B waveband
UV_bandsConstructor of lists of UV wavebands
UVCConstructor of ultraviolet-C waveband
UV_health_hazardConstructor of UV health hazard weighted waveband
UVICalculate UV Index (UVI) from spectral irradiance
UVI_wbConstructor of CIE weighted waveband
VISConstructor of VIS waveband
VIS_bandsContructor of lists of VIS wavebands
YellowConstructor of yellow waveband
photobiologyWavebands documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 5:07 p.m.