Description Usage Format Details Examples
Major League Baseball (MLB) data for the 2016 season.
1 |
A tibble with 20 variables:
same format as Retrosheets and BaseballReference data
Time of the game in UTC
Time of the game in Eastern Standardtime
Team name of the Away Team
Team name of the Home Team
Indicates if this was a double Header
Starting pitcher Away Team
Starting pitcher Home Team
Runs scored by Away Team
Runs scored by Home Team
Time of the wager line in UTC
Time of the wager line in Eastern Standardtime
Spread Handicap for Away Team
Spread US odds for Away Team
Spread US odds for Home Team
Moneyline US odds for Away Team
Moneyline US odds for Home Team
Total runs handicap
Total runs US odds for Over
Total runs US odds for Under
All wagering lines from Pinnacle for the 2016 MLB season
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | if (require("tidyverse")) {
# What was the range of expected total runs according to the prediction market at Pinnacle?
MLB2016 %>%
unnest() %>%
group_by(GameID) %>%
arrange(desc(EnteredDateTimeUTC)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(TotalPoints) %>%
summarize(Count = n())
# How many games went Over/Under/Landed on the total?
MLB2016 %>%
unnest() %>%
group_by(GameID) %>%
arrange(desc(EnteredDateTimeUTC)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select(GameID,TotalPoints,FinalScoreAway,FinalScoreHome) %>%
mutate(TotalOutcome = case_when(
FinalScoreAway + FinalScoreHome > TotalPoints ~ "Over",
FinalScoreAway + FinalScoreHome < TotalPoints ~ "Under",
FinalScoreAway + FinalScoreHome == TotalPoints ~ "Landed"
) %>%
group_by(TotalPoints,TotalOutcome) %>%
summarize(Count = n()) %>%
Loading required package: tibble
Loading required package: tidyverse
-- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.2.1 --
v ggplot2 3.1.1 v purrr 0.3.2
v tidyr 0.8.3 v dplyr
v readr 1.3.1 v stringr 1.4.0
v ggplot2 3.1.1 v forcats 0.4.0
-- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() --
x dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
x dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
# A tibble: 37 x 3
# Groups: TotalPoints [16]
TotalPoints TotalOutcome Count
<dbl> <chr> <int>
1 5.5 Under 2
2 6 Over 7
3 6 Under 9
4 6.5 Over 30
5 6.5 Under 24
6 7 Landed 19
7 7 Over 91
8 7 Under 86
9 7.5 Over 234
10 7.5 Under 230
11 8 Landed 31
12 8 Over 212
13 8 Under 178
14 8.5 Over 249
15 8.5 Under 264
16 9 Landed 52
17 9 Over 186
18 9 Under 187
19 9.5 Over 84
20 9.5 Under 96
21 10 Landed 5
22 10 Over 33
23 10 Under 36
24 10.5 Over 16
25 10.5 Under 30
26 11 Landed 2
27 11 Over 12
28 11 Under 10
29 11.5 Over 10
30 11.5 Under 8
31 12 Landed 2
32 12 Over 4
33 12 Under 5
34 12.5 Over 7
35 12.5 Under 8
36 13 Landed 1
37 13 Over 2
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