Man pages for pipenostics
Diagnostics, Reliability and Predictive Maintenance of Pipeline Systems

api5l3tAPI 5L. Values of SMYS and UTS
b31crvlASME B31G. Basic computer program CRVL.BAS
b31gacdASME B31G. Allowable corrosion depth in pipe
b31gaclASME B31G. Allowable corrosion length in pipe
b31gafrASME B31G. A-factor
b31gdataASME B31G. Corrosion state of 12 pipes
b31gdepASME B31G. Design pressure of pipe
b31gmodpfASME B31G. Failure pressure of the corroded pipe (modified)
b31gopsASME B31G. Operational status of pipe
b31gpfASME B31G. Failure pressure of the corroded pipe (original)
b31gsapASME B31G. Safe maximum pressure for the corroded area of...
celsiusConvert to Celsius scale
dnvpfDNV-RP-F101. Failure pressure of the corroded pipe
dropgFlow rate drop in pipe
droppPressure drop in pipe
droptTemperature drop in cylindrical steel pipe due heat loss
fahrenheitConvert to Fahrenheit scale
flowlsList all possible flow paths in district heating network
fluxConvert heat flux to specific heat loss power
fric_buzelliEstimate pipe friction factor with Buzelli formula
fric_romeoEstimate pipe friction factor with Romeo's formula
fric_vatankhanEstimate pipe friction factor with Vatankhah formula
geodistCalculate geographical metrics
inch_mmMillimeters to inches
kelvinCovert to Kelvin scale
kgf_mpaMegapascals to kilogram-force per square
m278hlairMinenergo-278. Normative heat loss of open-air pipe
m278hlchaMinenergo-278. Normative heat loss of pipe in channel
m278hlundMinenergo-278. Normative heat loss of underground pipe
m278insdataMinenergo-278. Thermal conductivity terms of pipe insulation...
m278inshcmMinenergo-278. Thermal conductivity of pipe insulation...
m278soildataMinenergo-278. Thermal conductivity of subsoil surrounding...
m325betaMinenergo-325. Local heat loss coefficient
m325nhlMinenergo-325. Normative heat loss of pipe
m325nhldataMinenergo-325. Normative heat loss data
m325testbenchMinenergo-325. Test bench of district heating network
m325tracebwMinenergo-325. Massively trace backwards thermal-hydraulic...
m325tracefwMinenergo-325. Massively trace forwards thermal-hydraulic...
m325tracelineMinenergo-325. Trace thermal-hydraulic regime for linear...
mepofProbability of failure of the corroded pipe within maximum...
meteosGet list of weather stations (meteos)
mgtdh-ifaceGet ground temperature
mm_inchInches to mm
mpa_kgfKilogram-force per square cm to megapascals
mpa_psiPounds per square inch to megapascals
pcorrcpfPCORRC. Failure pressure of the corroded pipe
pipenostics-packagepipenostics: Diagnostics, Reliability and Predictive...
psi_mpaMegapascals to pounds per square inch
reynoldsEstimate Reynolds number
shell92pfShell92. Failure pressure of the corroded pipe
strderateDNV-RP-F101. De-rate yield stress and tensile strength of...
tracebwMassively trace backwards thermal-hydraulic regime for...
tracefwMassively trace forwards thermal-hydraulic regime for...
tracelineTrace thermal-hydraulic regime for linear segment of district...
wth_dDerive the wall thickness depending on the outside diameter...
pipenostics documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:43 a.m.