DirectedGraph: Directed Graph Network Model

Description Public Methods Public Fields Node Measures Graph Measures


R6 class defining a directed graph model for representing a network, including methods to calculate various measures from graph theory. The igraph package is used as a backend for calculations.

This class isn't intended to be initialized directly; instead, network reporter objects will initialize it as its pkg_graph field. If you have a network reporter named reporter, then you access this object's public interface through pkg_graph—for example,


Public Methods

node_measures(measures = NULL)
  • Return specified node-level measures, calculating if necessary. See Node Measures section below for details about each measure.

  • Args:

    • measures: character vector of measure names. Default NULL will return those that are already calculated.

  • Returns:

    • data.table with specified node meaures as columns

graph_measures(measures = NULL)
  • Return specified graph-level measures, calculating if necessary. See Graph Measures section below for details about each measure.

  • Args:

    • measures: character vector of measure names. Default NULL will return those that are already calculated.

  • Returns:

    • list with specified graph measures

Public Fields


node data.table, read-only


edge data.table, read-only


igraph object, read-only


character vector of all supported node measures. See Node Measures section below for detailed descriptions. Read-only.


character vector of all supported graph measures. See Graph Measures section below for detailed descriptions. Read-only.


character vector of default node measures. See Node Measures section below for detailed descriptions. Read-only.


character vector of default graph measures. See Graph Measures section below for detailed descriptions. Read-only.

Node Measures


outdegree, the number of outward edges (tail ends). Calculated by igraph::degree. [Wikipedia]


indegree, number of inward edges (head ends). Calculated by igraph::degree. [Wikipedia]


closeness centrality (out), a measure of path lengths to other nodes along edge directions. Calculated by igraph::closeness. [Wikipedia]


closeness centrality (in), a measure of path lengths to other nodes in reverse of edge directions. Calculated by igraph::closeness. [Wikipedia]


number recursive dependencies, i.e., count of all nodes reachable by following edges out from this node. Calculated by igraph::neighborhood.size. [Wikipedia]


number of recursive reverse dependencies (dependents), i.e., count all nodes reachable by following edges into this node in reverse direction. Calculated by igraph::neighborhood.size. [Wikipedia]


betweenness centrality, a measure of the number of shortest paths in graph passing through this node Calculated by igraph::betweenness. [Wikipedia]


Google PageRank. Calculated by igraph::page_rank. [Wikipedia]


hub score from Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) algorithm. Calculated by igraph::hub_score. [Wikipedia]


authority score from Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search (HITS) algorithm. Calculated by igraph::authority_score. [Wikipedia]

Graph Measures


graph freeman centralization for outdegree. A measure of the most central node by outdegree in relation to all other nodes. Calculated by igraph::centralize. [Wikipedia]


graph Freeman centralization for indegree. A measure of the most central node by indegree in relation to all other nodes. Calculated by igraph::centralize. [Wikipedia]


graph Freeman centralization for out-closeness. A measure of the most central node by out-closeness in relation to all other nodes. Calculated by igraph::centralize. [Wikipedia]


graph Freeman centralization for outdegree. A measure of the most central node by outdegree in relation to all other nodes. Calculated by igraph::centralize. [Wikipedia]


graph Freeman centralization for betweenness A measure of the most central node by betweenness in relation to all other nodes. Calculated by igraph::centralize. [Wikipedia]

pkgnet documentation built on Dec. 23, 2021, 9:07 a.m.