
Defines functions arrhenius

Documented in arrhenius

#' The Arrhenius temperature response equation
#' @param Ea activation energy in kJ mol-1
#' @param Tleaf leaf temperature in Celsius
#' @return arrhenius is an exponential temperature response model. This
#' function automatically converts temperature from Celsius to Kelvin for
#' the calculation.
#' Arrhenius S. 1915. Quantitative laws in biological chemistry. Bell.
#' @export
arrhenius <- function(Ea, Tleaf) {
  param = exp(Ea * ((Tleaf + 273.15) - 298.15) /
                          (298.15 * (Tleaf + 273.15) * 0.008314))

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plantecowrap documentation built on April 14, 2020, 7:45 p.m.