plsmooth: Smooth and Reference Line Plotting

plsmoothR Documentation

Smooth and Reference Line Plotting


These functions add smooths or reference lines to an existing pl plot.


plsmooth(x = NULL, y = NULL, ysec = NULL, band=NULL, power = NULL,
  group = NULL, weight = NULL, smooth = TRUE,
  plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, xy = TRUE, ...)

plsmoothline(smoothline = NULL, x = NULL, y = NULL, ysec = NULL,
  smooth.col = NULL, smooth.lty = NULL, smooth.lwd = NULL, 
  plargs = NULL, ploptions = NULL, marpar = NULL, ...)

plrefline(refline, x=NULL, innerrange=NULL, y=NULL,
  cutrange = c(x = TRUE, y = FALSE), plargs=NULL, ploptions=NULL, ...)


x, y

coordinates for the horizontal and veritical axis, respectively. If NULL, they will be retrieved from plargs$pldata.


for plsmooth, plsmoothline: matrix of secondary y values. The smooths generated or given by its columns will be drawn thinner and with paled color.


logical: should a band (e.g., a confidence band) be drawn together with the smooth?


for plsmooth: smooth will be calcutated for y^power and the back-transformed. Usually, power=0.


for plsmooth: grouping variable. If NULL, the variable column in plargs$pldata will be used if available. If group is of length 1, there will be no grouping


weights of observations used for generating the smooth


logical: should smooth be done? Will almost always be TRUE


for plsmoothline: result of a smooth fitting

smooth.col, smooth.lty, smooth.lwd

for plsmoothline: color, line type and line width for the smooth line(s). By default, they will be taken from ploptions.


for plrefline: A two element vector giving intercept and slope of a straight line, or a function that returns these as the first 2 elemnts of the result's coef component, such as lm. For more possibilities, see Details.


for plrefline: inner range in x direction - only needed if the refline should be clipped at a range different from the innerrange attribute of the horizontal variable


for plrefline: logical vector of length 2: should the reference line(s) be cut at the inner plotting ranges in x- and y-direction? Otherwise, it will be continued outside it with the appropriate transformation.

plargs, ploptions

result of pl.control, see Details


margin parameters, if already available. By default, they will be retieved from ploptions.


logical: should the coordinates be obtained as in high level graphics? This is set to FALSE to save time and avoid complications, in case the user is sure that x and y are vectors rather than formulas or variable names.


absorbs extra arguments


The argument refline accepts different types of values. If it is a function, it must either accept a formula (which will be y~x) as its first argument or x and y as the first two arguments.
Alternatively, refline can be a list with components x and y and possibly a component band that contains the coordinates of the line (or lines, if y is a matrix) and the width of a band around it (that is, additional lines, to be drawn with ploptions("refline.col")[2]).
In order to obtain more than one reference line, a list of such items may be given. It should not have compontents named coef, coefficients, x or y, since it would otherwise be mistaken for an argument of the types just described. The components may carry attributes lty, lwd and lcol to specify the properties of the lines individually. See Examples.

plsmooth and plrefline are very similar. They are both called by high level pl functions. plsmooth gets its smoothing function from ploptions("smooth.function"). Their properties (line type, width, color) come from different sets of pl options. plsmooth can also respect a group structure in the data.

If x or y has an attribute "numvalues", these are used as the values to calculate the smooth or the refline.

plargs and ploptions may be specified explicitly, but they are usually generated by calling pl.control.

The argument getpar is used for setting the graphical parameters mar, mgp according to ploptions? This is needed if the high level pl function has changed mar, since this change has been reversed when the function was left. By default, these graphical parameters will be retieved from pl.envir$ploptions.


plsmooth invisibly returns the data.frame needed for drawing the smooth line. The other functions return NULL


Werner A. Stahel

See Also



plyx(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris, smooth=TRUE,, pch=Species)

## plrefline  called from  plyx
plyx(Sepal.Width ~ Sepal.Length, data=iris, smooth=TRUE, pch=Species,$Species, refline=lm)
## more reference lines
plrefline(list(c(-2,1), structure(c(-2.3,1), lcol="purple", lty=1)))

plgraphics documentation built on Sept. 29, 2023, 5:06 p.m.