Introduction to pliable

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pliable is a package that fits the pliable lasso, a new method for obtaining sparse models for supervised learning problems. The pliable lasso takes as input the usual feature matrix X and response y , but also a matrix of modifying variables Z. These variables may be continuous or categorical. The pliable lasso model is a generalization of the lasso in which the coefficients multiplying the features X are allowed to vary as a function of the modifying variables Z.

We introduce some notation that we will use throughout this vignette. Let there be $n$ observations, each with feature vector $x_i \in \mathbb{R}^p$ and response $y_i$. Let $X \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}$ denote the overall feature matrix, and let $y \in \mathbb{R}^n$ denote the vector of responses. Finally, let $Z \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times nz}$ denote the matrix of modifying variables.

pliable fits the model

$$ \hat y = \beta_0+ Z\theta_0+ \sum_j X_j(\beta_j + Z\theta_j)$$

where $X_j$ is the $j$th column of $X$. Here each $\beta_j$ is a scalar and each $\theta_j$ is a vector of length $nz$. The model is fit with penalties that encourage both $\beta=(\beta_1, \ldots \beta_p)$ and each $\theta_j$ to be sparse, and also a hierarchy constraint that allows $\theta_j$ to be non-zero only if $\beta_j$ is non zero. Note that each $\theta_j$ represents an interaction between $X_j$ and all of $Z$. Details of the optimization may be found in the paper by Tibshirani and Friedman arXiv.

pliable uses cyclical coordinate descent, which successively optimizes the objective function over each parameter with all other parameters fixed, cycling repeatedly until convergence. The interaction terms $\theta_j$ are estimated by proximal gradient descent.

The package also includes methods for prediction and plotting, and a function which performs $k$-fold cross-validation.


We begin by installing pliable from CRAN. Type the following command in R console:


This command downloads the R package and installs it to the default directories. Users may change add a repos option to the function call to specify which repository to download from, depending on their locations and preferences.

Alternatively, users can download the package source at CRAN and type Unix commands to install it to the desired location.

Quick Start

The purpose of this section is to give users a general sense of the package. We will briefly go over the main functions of the package, as well as some key options. More details are given in later sections.

First, we load the pliable package:


Let's generate some data:

n = 50; p = 10 ;nz=5
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)
z =matrix(rnorm(n*nz),n,nz)
y =4*x[,1] +5*x[,1]*z[,3]+ 3*rnorm(n)

We recommend that the columns of both $X$ and $Z$ be standardized, before running pliable, as we have done above.

We fit the model using the most basic call to pliable:

fit <- pliable(x,z,y)

The function pliable returns a pliable object. We can examine the results


For each model in the solution path indexed by $\lambda$, the table shows the % Deviance explained, number of main effects (non-zero $\hat\beta_j$s) , number of main effects with interactions (number of $\hat\theta_j$ vectors that have at least one zero component) and the number of non-zero interactions (non-zero $\hat\theta_{jk}$ values.) We can plot the path of coefficients


And we can make predictions using a pliable object by calling the predict method. Each column gives the predictions for one value of lambda. Here we choose the 20th value:

# get predictions for 20th model
predict(fit, x[1:5, ],z[1:5,])[,20]

Cross-validation (CV)

We can perform $k$-fold cross-validation (CV) with cv.pliable. It does 10-fold cross-validation by default:

cvfit <- cv.pliable(fit,x, z, y)

We can change the number of folds using the nfolds option:

cvfit <- cv.pliable(fit, x, z,y , nfolds = 5)

If we want to specify which observation belongs to which fold, we can do that by specifying the foldid option, which is a vector of length $n$, with the $i$th element being the fold number for observation $i$.

foldid <- sample(rep(seq(5), length = n))
cvfit <- cv.pliable(fit, x,z,y, foldid = foldid)

A cv.pliable call returns a cv.pliable object. We can plot this object to get the CV curve with error bars (one standard error in each direction). The left vertical dotted line represents lambda.min, the lambda value which attains minimum CV error, while the right vertical dotted line represents lambda.1se, the largest lambda value with CV error within one standard error of the minimum CV error.


The two special lambda values can be extracted directly from the cv.pliable object as well:


Predictions can be made from the fitted cv.pliable object. By default, predictions are given for lambda being equal to lambda.1se. To get predictions are lambda.min, set s = "lambda.min".

xtest = matrix(rnorm(ntest*p),ntest,p)
ztest =matrix(rnorm(ntest*nz),ntest,nz)
ytest = 4*xtest[,1] +5*xtest[,1]*ztest[,3]+ 3*rnorm(ntest)
pred= predict(fit,xtest,ztest,lambda=cvfit$lambda.min)

Categorical Z

If $Z$ is categorical, you much first convert it to set of dummy variables (``one-hot encoding''). Suppose that that you have two $Z$ variables, a categorical one $Z1= (3,1,4,2,2,1,3)$ and a quantitative variable $Z2$. Then you would convert $Z1$ to dummy variables, using say $D=model.matrix(~Z)$ and then define $Z$ as $Z <- cbind(D,Z2)$

Z not observed in test set

Here is an example where Z is not observed in the test set, but predicted from a supervised learning algorithm

 n = 50; p = 10 ;nz=5
 x = matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)

 z =matrix(rnorm(n*nz),n,nz)
 y =4*x[,1] +5*x[,1]*z[,3]+ 3*rnorm(n)

 fit = pliable(x,z,y)
 # predict z  from x; here we use glmnet, but any other supervised method can be used


 # Predict using the fitted model
 xtest =matrix(rnorm(ntest*nz),ntest,p)
 ztest =predict(zfit,xtest,s=cvfit$lambda.min)[,,1]
 ytest = 4*xtest[,1] +5*xtest[,1]*ztest[,3]+ 3*rnorm(ntest)

 pred= predict(fit,xtest,ztest)

Other options

Here are some other options that one may specify for the pliable and cv.pliable functions:

For more information, type ?pliable or ?cv.pliable.

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pliable documentation built on Feb. 6, 2020, 5:16 p.m.