Man pages for plot3logit
Ternary Plots for Trinomial Regression Models

add_confregionsCompute the confidence regions of covariate effects
add_confregions_field3logitIt adds the confidence regions to a "field3logit" object
autoplot.Hfield3logitCreate a 'gg3logit' plot with field and confidence regions
confregionIt computes the confidence region in the ternary space
convex_combComputes convex combinations of two vectors
cross_1yearMaster's students' employment condition
DeltaB2pcIdentification of equispaced central points
DeltaB2vrolesIdentification of roles of vertices in non-degenerate cases
effectDraw a change in the probability distribution on an existing...
extract3logitExtract information from fitted models
field3logitComputation of the vector field
gen_pathGenerates a curve of the field
get_vdeltaIt computes the vector of covariate change
gg3logitCreate a new gg3logit
labelsSet the labels of a 'field3logit' or a 'multifield3logit'...
linkfunCompute the linear predictors implied by trinomial...
linkinvComputes trinomial probability distributions implied by...
multifield3logitMultiple trilogit fields
pc2p0Computation of starting points of curves of the field
plot3logit-packageTernary Plots for Trinomial Regression Models
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
simplify_field3logit'field3logit' simplification function and test
stat_3logitAdd a field and confidence regions to a 'gg3logit' plot
stat_conf3logitAdd the confidence regions of a field to a 'gg3logit' plot
stat_field3logitAdd a field to a 'gg3logit' plot
tbl2matrixConvert a tibble to a matrix
TernaryFieldDraw a field on an existing ternary plot
USvote2016Self-reported votes from VOTER Survey in 2016
v2vedgeComputes the coordinates of a vertex on the edge
vcovB2vcovDeltaBCovariance matrix of covariate change
versorComputes the versor
plot3logit documentation built on July 19, 2022, 9:07 a.m.