plotluck.options: Create options structure for 'plotluck'

Description Usage Arguments Value Note See Also Examples


Create options structure for plotluck





An (optional) named list to start with. Anything not specified in ... will be inherited from opts.


Parameters to override default settings


A named list of options, usable as argument to function plotluck.

plotluck accepts a list of options to modify its behavior. Calling plotluck.options without arguments produces a list with the default values. Specifying any number of attribute/value pairs overrides them selectively.

na.rm FALSE Do not show missing factor values as separate level.
geom "auto" Override type of plot; the available types for a given formula and variables can be inspected with verbose=TRUE.
sample.max.rows 100000 If the data set has more rows than that, sample it down.
trans.log.thresh 2 Threshold for logarithmic axis scaling. Visible magnification factor of the central region of the distribution.
n.breaks.histogram NA Override the number of histogram breaks.
min.points.hex 5000 Minimum data points required to display a hexbin plot.
min.points.density 20 Minimum data points required to display a density or histogram plot.
min.points.violin 20 Minimum data points required to display a violin or box plot.
resolution.heat 30 Grid spacing for heat maps.
dedupe.scatter 'area' To represent multiple instances of the same coordinates in scatter plot: scale the point size, or use jitter?
min.points.jitter 3 Minimum number of coordinate duplicates to start jittering points.
jitter.x 0.4 Amount of jitter to apply in horizontal direction, as a fraction of resolution.
jitter.y 0.4 Amount of jitter to apply in vertical direction, as a fraction of resolution. 5 If a numeric variable has less than that many unique values, make it an ordered factor.
max.factor.levels 30 For factors with more than that many levels, least frequent ones will be pruned into "other".
max.factor.levels.color 3 Maximum number of factor levels that can be represented as colors in the same plot.
max.factor.levels.violin 20 Maximum number of levels to plot violins; rather switch to box plot.
max.factor.levels.spine.x 20 Maximum number of levels to plot in x-direction in a spine plot.
max.factor.levels.spine.y 10 Maximum number of levels to plot in y-direction in a spine plot.
max.factor.levels.spine.z 5 Maximum number of levels to represent as colors in a spine plot.
spine.plot.margin.x 0.05 Horizontal gap between rectangles in a spine plot.
spine.plot.margin.y 0.02 Vertical gap between rectangles in a spine plot.
facet.max.cols 10 Maximum number of facet columns for conditional variables.
facet.max.rows 10 Maximum number of facet rows for conditional variables.
facet.num.wrap 6 Preferred number of facets for single conditional variable.
facet.num.grid 3 Preferred number of facets for each of two conditional variables.
prefer.factors.vert TRUE In mixed numeric/factor plots, use vertical axis for the factor.
fill.default "deepskyblue" Default fill color for density and histogram plots.
palette.brewer.seq "YlGn" Sequential brewer palette name.
palette.brewer.qual "Set1" Qualitative brewer palette name.
multi.entropy.order TRUE Use estimated conditional entropy to order multi-plots.
multi.max.rows 6 Maximum number of rows for multi-plots.
multi.max.cols 6 Maximum number of columns for multi-plots. TRUE In multi-plots, make a page with multiple plots, or generate each one separately.
verbose FALSE Print information about plot types, ordering, scaling, etc.


plotluck's aim is to provide a function that is usable "out-of-the-box", with no or very little manual tweaking. If you find yourself needing to change option values repeatedly or find the presets to be suboptimal, please contact the author.

See Also



# list all default options

# default with violin plot
plotluck(iris, Petal.Length~Species)

# use box-and-whiskers plot instead
plotluck(iris, Petal.Length~Species, opts=plotluck.options(geom='box'))

plotluck documentation built on June 27, 2019, 5:07 p.m.