
Installation requirements and instructions


Most recent versions of the following software are always preferred, however the minimal requirements are also specified. The common software required by three main-stream operative systems are provided below, and any specific requirement is treated separately:

To install the required packages, the following R code should be executed before the installation:

pkgnames <- "devtools"
pkgnames <- pkgnames[!pkgnames %in% .packages(TRUE)]
if (length(pkgnames)) install.packages(pkgnames)

To update all the installed packages to the last version available, the following command line should be typed into an R console:

update.packages(ask = FALSE)

The additional software must be installed before to update the required packages.

Additional software on Linux

Additional software on Windows

Additional software on (Mac) OS X

Package management

Installing the stable release of the plpoisson package

The use of the following R command is highly suggested to install the plpoisson package:


The other alternative to install an R package is from its source-code compressed as a tarball archive. This can be done by entering the following command into a terminal session on Linux and (Mac) OS X :

R CMD INSTALL plpoisson_0.3.1.tar.gz

On Windows, by opening the command prompt (cmd.exe), it is possible to point to the proper directory with cd, and then install the package via Rcmd.exe with the following command:

Rcmd.exe INSTALL plpoisson_0.3.1.tar.gz

More details can be found on the "Installing packages" section of the R-admin manual.

Installing the current development version of the package


Updating the plpoisson package

To update the plpoisson package, it is necessary to type the following code from the R console:


Removing the plpoisson package

To remove plpoisson from the list of R packages, it is necessary to type the following code from the R console:


Try the plpoisson package in your browser

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plpoisson documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:13 a.m.