Man pages for plsdepot
Partial Least Squares (PLS) Data Analysis Methods

carscompletecarscomplete data set
carsmissingcarsmissing data set
cornellCornell data set
interbatTucker's Inter-Battery Method of Factor Analysis
linnerudLinnerud data set
nipalsNIPALS: Non-linear Iterative Partial Least Squares
plot.interbatPlot inter-battery basic results
plot.nipalsPlot NIPALS basic results
plot.plscaPlot PLS-CA basic results
plot.plsreg1Plot PLS-R1 basic results
plot.plsreg2Plot PLS-R2 basic results
plot.simplsPlot simpls basic results
plot.simplscaPlot SIMPLS-CA basic results
plscaPLS-CA: Partial Least Squares Canonical Analysis
plsreg1PLS-R1: Partial Least Squares Regression 1
plsreg2PLS-R2: Partial Least Squares Regression 2
ropesClimbing Ropes data set
simplsSIMPLS: Alternative Approach to PLS Regression
simplscaSIMPLS-CA: SIMPLS Canonical Analysis
vehiclesVehicles data set
plsdepot documentation built on April 1, 2023, 12:04 a.m.