Man pages for pmdplyr
'dplyr' Extension for Common Panel Data Maneuvers

as_pibbleCoerce to a pibble panel data set object
build_pibbleLow-level constructor for a pibble object
fixed_checkCheck for inconsistency in variables that should be fixed
fixed_forceEnforce consistency in variables
id_variableCreate a single panel ID variable out of several
inexact_joinJoin two data frames inexactly
is_pibbleCheck whether an object has been declared as panel data
joinJoin two pibbles together
mode_orderCalculate the mode, and use original order to break ties
mutate_cascadePerform mutate one time period at a time ('Cascading mutate')
mutate_subsetPropagate a calculation performed on a subset of data to the...
panel_calculationsPerform standard panel-data calculations
panel_convertConvert between panel data types
panel_fillFill in gaps in panel data
panel_locfFill in missing (or other) values of a panel data set using...
pibbleCreate a pibble panel data set object
pibble_methodspibble methods
pipePipe operator
pmdplyr'pmdplyr' package
safe_joinJoin two data frames safely
ScorecardEarnings and Loan Repayment in US Four-Year Colleges
setopsSet operations
SPrail2,000 Spanish train trips
time_variableCreate a single integer time period index variable
tlagTime-lag a variable
pmdplyr documentation built on July 2, 2020, 4:08 a.m.