Man pages for poliscidata
Datasets and Functions Featured in Pollock and Edwards, an R Companion to Essentials of Political Analysis, Second Edition

AdjR2Calculates adjusted R-Squared statistic
available.imported.functionsImported Functions Made Available to Users
CI95Calculates a 95 Percent Confidence Interval
CI99Calculates a 99 Percent Confidence Interval
ColorsDisplays R Colors
colPercentsColumn Percentages
compADPQCalculates a statistic for measure of association in...
CramersVCalculates Cramer's V
fit.svyglmCalculates model fit statistics for a svyglm weighted...
freqCGenerates table and figure describing distribution of...
gssGSS dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political...
gssDGSS design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political...
imeansCControlled Mean Comparison Table
inverse.logitCalculates predicted probability for a given logged odds...
iplotCInteraction plot
lineTypeDisplays line types for R plots
logregR2Logistic regression model statistics
nesNES dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political...
nesDNES design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political...
orciTranslate logistic regression coefficients into odds ratios
pchisqCComparing Logistic Regression Models with Chi-Squared Test
plotCharDisplays plotting characters available in R
plotmeansCPlots mean comparison
printCPrints html-ready table to local working directory
prop.testCDifference of Proportions Test
quickConsolePrintPrints string to console quickly
SetTextContrastColorSets contrasting color for text
slowConsolePrintPrints string to console slowly
somersDCalculates Somer's D
sortCReturns case-level information in order
statesStates dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political...
statesDStates design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of...
svybyCComputes summary statistics
svychisqCChi-Squared Statistic for Relationship Between Categorical...
tablesomersDCProduces summary statistics
welcomeFunction to Introduce Users to R Companion Environment
worldWorld dataset for R Companion to Essentials of Political...
worldDWorld design dataset for R Companion to Essentials of...
wtd.boxplotWeighted Box Plot
wtd.medianFind Median of Variable
wtd.modeFind Mode of Variable
wtd.sdFind Standard Deviation of Variable
wtd.ttestCWeighted T-Test
xtabCControlled cross tabulation analysis with optional weights
xtpCross tabulation Analysis
xtp.chi2Cross tabulation Analysis with Chi-Squared Statistic
poliscidata documentation built on July 8, 2020, 6:23 p.m.