Man pages for polished
Authentication and Hosting for 'shiny' Apps

add_appPolished API - Add an App
add_app_userPolished API - Add a User to an App
add_rolePolished API - Add a Role
add_userPolished API - Add a User
add_user_rolePolished API - Add a User Role
admin_button_uiAn html button to navigate the the "Admin Panel"
admin_serverThe server logic for the default Admin Panel dashboard
admin_uiThe UI for the "Admin Panel" dashboard
api_list_to_dfConvert a list returned from the Polished API into a data...
auth_filterAuth filter for a Plumber API
bundle_appCreate a tar archive
default_admin_ui_optionsDefault Options for the Admin UI
delete_appPolished API - Delete an App
delete_app_userPolished API - Delete an App User
delete_rolePolished API - Delete a Role
delete_userPolished API - Delete a User
delete_user_rolePolished API - Delete a User Role
deploy_appDeploy a Shiny app to Polished Hosting
email_inputA Shiny email 'input'
firebase_dependenciesLoad the Firebase JavaScript dependencies into the UI
firebase_initInitialize Firebase
get_appsPolished API - Get App(s)
get_app_usersPolished API - Get App(s) User(s)
get_package_depsCreate a list of R Package Dependencies
get_rolesPolished API - Get Role(s)
get_user_rolesPolished API - Get User Role(s)
get_usersPolished API - Get User(s)
normalize_uinormalize UI
password_inputA modification of 'shiny::passwordInput'
polished_api_resSend GET Request to the Polished API
polished_configglobal configuration for 'polished' authentication
print.polished_api_resprint polished_api_res
profile_moduleProfile Module Server
profile_module_uiProfile Module UI
providers_uiUI for the Social Sign In authentication providers' buttons
remove_query_stringRemove the URL query
secure_rmdRender and secure R Markdown document
secure_serverSecure your Shiny app's server
secure_uiSecure your Shiny UI
send_password_reset_email_modulethe server logic for a Shiny module to send a password reset...
send_password_reset_email_module_uithe UI for a Shiny module to send a password reset email
set_api_keyset Polished API key
set_config_envAutomatically set the config environment
sign_in_check_jwtCheck the JWT from the user sign in
sign_in_jsSign in and register pages JavaScript dependencies
sign_in_moduleServer logic for the Sign In & Register pages
sign_in_module_2Server logic for the Sign In & Register pages
sign_in_module_2_uiUI for the Sign In & Register pages
sign_in_module_uiUI for the Sign In & Register pages
sign_in_socialverify the users Firebase JWT and store the session
sign_in_ui_defaultDefault UI styles for the Sign In & Registration pages
sign_out_from_shinySign Out from your Shiny app
update_appPolished API - Update an App
update_app_userPolished API - Update an App User
update_userPolished API - Update a user
user_access_moduleadmin user access module
user_access_module_uiadmin user access_ui
valid_gcp_regionsValid Regions for Polished Hosting
polished documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 8:02 p.m.