polyap: Polya Sampling from an Urn

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples

View source: R/polyap.R


Consider an urn containing a finite set of values. An item is selected at random from the urn. Then it is returned to the urn along with another item with the same value. Next a value is selected at random from the reconstituted urn and it and a copy our returned to the urn. This process is repeated until k additional items have been added to the original urn. The original composition of the urn along with the selected values, in order, are returned.


polyap(ysamp, k)



A vector of real numbers which make up the urn.


A positive integer which specifies the number of items added to the original composition of the urn.


The returned value is a vector of length equal to the length of ysamp plus k.



Example output

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If you want correct answers, use rational arithmetic.
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    functions that do computational geometry.

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polyapost documentation built on Oct. 7, 2021, 5:10 p.m.