
# load data
data('src', package = "populR")
data('trg', package = "populR")

# estimate population counts using awi and vwi
awi <- suppressWarnings(pp_estimate(trg, src, sid = sid, spop = pop, method = awi))
vwi <- suppressWarnings(pp_estimate(trg, src, sid = sid, spop = pop, volume = floors, method = vwi))
awi$pp_est_text <- as.character(awi$pp_est)

test_that("argument errors", {
  # misspelled object
    pp_round(x = awis, tpop = pp_est, spop = pop, sid = sid),
    "object 'awis' not found"

  # misspelled object
    pp_round(tpop = pp_est, spop = pop, sid = sid),
    "x is required"

  # missplelled sid
    pp_round(x = awi, tpop = pp_est, spop = pop, sid = sids),
    "sids cannot be found"

test_that("non numeric fields", {
    pp_round(x = awi, tpop = pp_est_text, spop = pop, sid = sid),
    "pp_est_text must be numeric"

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populR documentation built on March 31, 2023, 9:11 p.m.