
#' @include aaa_all_classes.R
## Plotting generics
#' @importFrom methods setGeneric
#' @exportMethod lines

#' @exportMethod points

#' The cumulative distribution function (cdf)
#' This is a generic function for calculating
#' the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of
#' distribution objects. This is similar to base R's `pnorm`
#' for the normal distribution.
#' The `dist_cdf` function calculates the
#' cumulative probability distribution for the
#' current parameters and xmin value.
#' @param m a distribution object.
#' @param q a vector values where the function will be evaluated.
#' If `q` is `NULL` (default), then the data values
#' will be used.
#' @param lower_tail logical; if `TRUE` (default),
#' probabilities are \eqn{P[X \le x]}, otherwise, \eqn{P[X > x]}.
#' @param xmax default `1e5`. The maximum x value calculated when working out the CDF.
#' @docType methods
#' @exportMethod dist_cdf
#' @note This method does *not* alter the internal state of
#' the distribution objects.
#' @rdname dist_cdf-methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##########################################
#' #Load data and create distribution object#
#' ##########################################
#' data(moby_sample)
#' m = displ$new(moby_sample)
#' m$setXmin(7); m$setPars(2)
#' ##########################################
#' #Calculate the CDF at a particular values#
#' ##########################################
#' dist_cdf(m, 10:15)
#' ##########################################
#' #Calculate the CDF at the data values    #
#' ##########################################
#' dist_cdf(m)
           function(m, q = NULL, lower_tail = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @rdname dist_data_cdf-methods
           function(m, lower_tail = TRUE, xmax = 1e5)

#' The data cumulative distribution function
#' This is generic function for distribution objects.
#' This function calculates the data or empirical cdf.
#' @inheritParams dist_cdf
#' @docType methods
#' @exportMethod dist_data_cdf
#' @note This method does *not* alter the internal state of
#' the distribution objects.
#' @rdname dist_data_cdf-methods
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##########################################
#' #Load data and create distribution object#
#' ##########################################
#' data(moby_sample)
#' m = displ$new(moby_sample)
#' m$setXmin(7);m$setPars(2)
#' ##########################################
#' # The data cdf                           #
#' ##########################################
#' dist_data_cdf(m)
           function(m, lower_tail = TRUE, xmax = 1e5)

#' @export
#' @rdname dist_data_cdf-methods
#' @description The functions `dist_data_all_cdf` and `dist_all_cdf` are only
#' available for discrete distributions.
#' Their main purpose is to optimise the bootstrap procedure, where generating a
#' vector `xmin:xmax` is
#' very quick. Also, when bootstrapping very large values can be generated.
           function(m, lower_tail = TRUE, xmax = 1e5)

#' The probability density function (pdf)
#' This is generic function for distribution objects.
#' This function calculates the probability density function (pdf)
#' for the current parameters and xmin value.
#' @inheritParams dist_cdf
#' @param log default `FALSE`. If `TRUE`, probabilities are given as log(p).
#' @return The probability density (or mass) function
#' @seealso [dist_cdf()], [dist_ll()]
#' and [dist_rand()]
#' @note This method does *not* alter the internal state of
#' the distribution objects.
#' @exportMethod dist_pdf
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname dist_pdf-methods
#' @examples
#' ##########################################
#' #Create distribution object              #
#' ##########################################
#' m = displ$new()
#' m$setXmin(7); m$setPars(2)
#' ##########################################
#' #Calculate the pdf at particular values  #
#' ##########################################
#' dist_pdf(m, 7:10)
           function(m, q = NULL, log = FALSE)

#' The log-likelihood function
#' This is generic function for distribution objects.
#' This function calculates the log-likelihood for the current
#' parameters and xmin value.
#' @inheritParams dist_cdf
#' @return The log-likelihood
#' @seealso [dist_cdf()],  [dist_pdf()]
#' and [dist_rand()]
#' @note This method does *not* alter the internal state of
#' the distribution objects.
#' @exportMethod dist_ll
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname dist_ll-methods
#' @examples
#' ##########################################
#' #Load data and create distribution object#
#' ##########################################
#' data(moby_sample)
#' m = displ$new(moby_sample)
#' m$setXmin(7); m$setPars(2)
#' ##########################################
#' #Calculate the log-likelihood            #
#' ##########################################
#' dist_ll(m)

#' Random number generation for the distribution objects
#' This is generic function for generating random numbers
#' from the underlying distribution of the distribution reference objects.
#' This function generates `n` random numbers using the parameters
#' and xmin values found in the associated reference object.
#' @inheritParams dist_cdf
#' @param n number of observations to be generated.
#' @return n random numbers
#' @seealso [dist_cdf()], [dist_pdf()]
#' and [dist_ll()]
#' @note This method does *not* alter the internal state of
#' the distribution object.
#' @exportMethod dist_rand
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname dist_rand-methods
#' @examples
#' ##########################################
#' #Create distribution object              #
#' ##########################################
#' m = displ$new()
#' m$setXmin(7);m$setPars(2)
#' ##########################################
#' #Generate five random numbers            #
#' ##########################################
#' dist_rand(m, 5)
           function(m, n)

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