
Defines functions get_ntail

Documented in get_ntail

#' Values greater than or equal to xmin
#' Returns the number of data points greater than or equal to
#' current value of xmin. In the Clauset et al, paper this is
#' called `ntail`.
#' @inheritParams dist_cdf
#' @param prop default `FALSE`. Return the value as a proportion of the total sample size
#' @param lower default `FALSE`. If `TRUE` returns sample size  - ntail
#' @examples
#' ################################################
#' # Load data and create example object
#' ################################################
#' data(moby_sample)
#' m = displ$new(moby_sample)
#' m$setXmin(7)
#' ################################################
#' # Get ntail
#' ################################################
#' get_ntail(m)
#' sum(moby_sample >= 7)
#' @export
get_ntail = function(m, prop = FALSE, lower = FALSE) {
  ntail = m$internal[["n"]]
  n = get_n(m)
  if (lower)
    ntail = n - ntail

  if (prop)
    return(ntail / n)

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