Man pages for ppdiag
Diagnosis and Visualizations Tools for Temporal Point Processes

drawHPIntensityDraw the intensity of Hawkes Process
drawHPPIntensityDraw intensity of homogeneous Poisson process
drawUniMMHPIntensityDraw the intensity of the Markov-modulated Hawkes...
drawUniMMPPIntensityDraw the intensity of the Markov-modulated Poisson...
fithpDetermine the MLE of Hawkes process numerically
fithppFit a homogeneous poisson process to event data
hawkes_max_intensitymax intensity of a hawkes process
intensityqqplotDraw intensity of fitted point process and QQ-Plot of...
interpolate_mmhp_latentInterpolate latent process of MMHP
mmhp_event_stateEstimate the latent state for events of an MMHP
mmpp_event_stateEstimate the latent state for events of an MMPP
mmpp_latentEstimate Latent process of MMPP
negloglikCompute negative log likelihood for point process models
negloglik_hpFit a Hawkes process with exponential kernel to event data
pearsonresidualCompute Pearson residuals for point process models
pp_compensatorCompensators for point processes
pp_diagSummarise diagnostics for point process models
pp_hpCreate a Hawkes process object
pp_hppCreate a homogeneous Poisson process object
pp_ksplotKS plot of empirical and theoretical cdf curve of fitted...
pp_mmhpCreate a Markov-modulated Hawkes Process(MMHP) object
pp_mmppCreate a Markov-modulated Poisson Process(MMPP) object
pp_qqexpPlot QQ-plot for rescaled-inter-event-times of fitted point...
pp_residualCompute raw and pearson residuals for point process models
pp_simulateSimulate events from a temporal point process
rawresidualCompute raw residuals for point process models
ppdiag documentation built on Aug. 12, 2021, 5:07 p.m.