Man pages for ppsr
Predictive Power Score

available_algorithmsLists all algorithms currently supported
available_evaluation_metricsLists all evaluation metrics currently supported
normalize_scoreNormalizes the original score compared to a naive baseline...
ppsrppsr: An R implementation of the Predictive Power Score (PPS)
scoreCalculate predictive power score for x on y
score_correlationsCalculate correlation coefficients for whole dataframe
score_dfCalculate predictive power scores for whole dataframe...
score_matrixCalculate predictive power score matrix Iterates through the...
score_modelCalculates out-of-sample model performance of a statistical...
score_naiveCalculate out-of-sample model performance of naive baseline...
score_predictorsCalculate predictive power scores for y Calculates the...
visualize_bothVisualize the PPS & correlation matrices
visualize_correlationsVisualize the correlation matrix
visualize_ppsVisualize the Predictive Power scores of the entire...
ppsr documentation built on March 2, 2021, 5:06 p.m.