Man pages for predtools
Prediction Model Tools

calc_mROC_statsCalculates the absolute surface between the empirical and...
calc_NB_momentsCalculates the first two moments of the bivariate...
calibration_plotTitle Create calibration plot based on observed and predicted...
dev_datamodel development data
evpi_valEVPI (Expected Value of Perfect Information) for validation...
gustoAnonymized data from the gusto trial
mAUCTakes in a mROC object and calculates the area under the...
mROCCalculates mROC from the vector of predicted risks Takes in a...
mROC_analysisMain eROC analysis that plots ROC and eROC
mROC_inferenceStatistical inference for comparing empirical and expected...
mu_max_trunc_bvnCalculates the expected value of the maximum of two random...
odds_adjustTitle Update a prediction model for a binary outcome by...
pred_summary_statTitle Estimate mean and variance of prediction based on model...
val_datamodel validation data
predtools documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:58 p.m.