
Defines functions prereg_knit_item_content

Documented in prereg_knit_item_content

#' Knit the specified content for the items in a (pre)registration into an Rmd file
#' This function inserts the specified content for the items in a
#' (pre)registration, or in one or more sections, into an R Markdown file.
#' @param x The (pre)registration object (as produced by a call to
#' [preregr::prereg_initialize()]).
#' @param section The section(s) to show; pass `NULL` (the default) to show
#' everything.
#' @param headingLevel The level to use for the top-most heading.
#' @return x, invisibly
#' @export
#' @examples ### Load an example (pre)registration specification
#' data("examplePrereg_1", package = "preregr");
#' ### Knit the contents of the "metadata" section
#' ### as an R Markdown partial
#' examplePrereg_1 |>
#'   preregr::prereg_knit_item_content(
#'     section="metadata"
#'   );
prereg_knit_item_content <- function(x,
                                     section = NULL,
                                     headingLevel = 2) {

    input =
                  package = "preregr")


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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

preregr documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:10 p.m.